| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Setting priorities: Kim Stone (MS '94, MPP '93)

Jan 2, 2013
Kim Stone wants to make life in her community better. That's why she's chosen to run for public office."Over the last year or so," says Kim, "I realized that in order to have a more direct impact, I have to not just suggest policies, but actually be...

An alum to watch: Naomi Goldberg (MPP '08)

Jan 7, 2013
Naomi Goldberg can hardly believe her luck.Newly married in May of this year, she and her wife Libby will welcome their first child next spring. And for the last four and a half years, she's been doing meaningful work and having fun doing it.A...

Washington Post quotes Betsey Stevenson on fiscal cliff deal

Dec 25, 2012
The Washington Post reports that it is unlikely that Democrats and Republicans will reach a deal an agreement on the looming fiscal cliff before Jan. 1. In what the article refers to as a "remarkable turnaround," Democrats want to make permanent the...

New York Times cites education study by Dynarski, Bailey

Dec 22, 2012
In an article on the difficulty low-income students have making it to college and graduating, the New York Times cited a 2011 study on educational inequality conducted by Susan Dynarski and Martha J. Bailey.Dynarski, a professor in the Ford School...