Analytic methods | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Analytic methods

Showing 121 - 150 of 623 results

Student questions fuel productive change - Stevenson

Jan 12, 2022
How can professors encourage students to question them? In a recent article, “Sparking Student Curiosity,” Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, lays out her philosophy on teaching and guiding critical thinking. Since they...

Leveraging technology to improve education outcomes

Nov 29, 2021
Researchers from U-M campuses and all across the country are using education data provided by the State of Michigan to study a wide variety of topics ranging from the effects of COVID-19 on public school enrollment to the role of neighborhood...

Supporting 'Preschool for All' in Washington state

Nov 12, 2021
Policy Brief from the University of Michigan’s Education Policy Initiative outlines a vision for high-quality universal preschool in the state of Washington High-quality preschool helps prepare children for kindergarten and promotes their...
In the Media

Child tax credit helps families make ends meet, says Pilkauskas

Nov 5, 2021 Detroit Free Press
Natasha Pilkauskas, co-author of the policy brief “Receipt and Usage of Child Tax Credit Payments among Low-Income Families: What We Know,” finds the Child Tax Credit helps low-income families with the basics. "Really, they're telling us they're...

Latino Michiganders: Key findings from U-M Poverty Solutions

Oct 15, 2021
ANN ARBOR—As National Hispanic Heritage Month, which celebrates the culture and contributions of Latinos in the U.S., comes to a close, Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan highlights key data from its research that relates to Latinos...

Musaddiq details driving factors of school enrollment drops

Oct 7, 2021
Ford School postdoctoral fellow Tareena Musaddiq explains findings from a recent Education Policy Initiative working paper about the pandemic's effects on school enrollment and its consequences in The Conversation. Musaddiq writes that the large...

John Leahy elected as an Econometric Society Fellow

Oct 5, 2021
This fall, John Leahy was elected as one of 51 new fellows to the Econometric Society, an international society for the advancement of economic theory and its relationship to statistics and mathematics. Leahy was nominated by his peers, and is only...
In the Media

Axelrod discusses strategy, real-world implications of game theory

Oct 4, 2021 Freakonomics podcast
Robert Axelrod, William D. Hamilton Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, recently broke down game theory strategy on the People I (Mostly) Admire podcast with Freakonomics author Steven Levitt. He explains how game theory and the prisoner's...

Q&A with new faculty: Kathy Michelmore

Sep 1, 2021
Kathy Michelmore, who was a IES postdoctoral fellow at the Education Policy Initiative (2014-2016), returns to the Ford School and adds social and education policy expertise. She is a leading scholar and educator on the social safety net, education...
Alumni spotlight

Ammara Ansari (MPP ‘19) serves Detroit youth through evaluation

Jul 14, 2021
Ammara Ansari (MPP ‘19) never imagined working on youth education and wellness policy or conducting evaluations—but in a joint fellowship with The Skillman Foundation and the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF), that is exactly what she’s doing....

Kalena Thomhave (MPP ‘21) awarded the Peter Eckstein Prize

May 10, 2021
Recent Ford School graduate Kalena Thomhave (MPP ‘21) is the 2021 winner of the Peter Eckstein Prize for Interdisciplinary Research for her comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by the U.S. Unemployment Insurance (UI) system during the...