Domestic policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Domestic policy

Showing 691 - 720 of 3153 results

Ali reflects on Jan. 6 insurrection and its implications

Jan 6, 2022
As the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection approached, the investigations into the causes and participants, as well as any changes in security or policy, came into focus. Since the insurrection, over 700 people have been charged in connection...
In the Media

Dean Barr featured in DPTV special about Jan. 6 insurrection

Jan 6, 2022 Detroit Public TV
Commemorating the one-year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, Detroit Public TV produced a special reflecting on the events of that day and their consequences, featuring an interview with Dean Michael Barr. "It highlighted a significant...
In the Media

Hall discusses company political donations

Jan 6, 2022 The Detroit News
Many companies that pledged to stop donating to politicians who rejected the 2020 election results have resumed those donations. But, Richard Hall, professor of public policy and political science, says the way they've resumed is unusual. "I...
In the Media

Weiland breaks down Michigan universal pre-k

Jan 6, 2022 Metro Parent
Christina Weiland, co-director of the Education Policy Initiative and associate professor of education and public policy, sat down with Metro Parent to discuss what universal pre-k could mean for Michigan. "Universal pre-K can help take financial...
In the Media

I-95 debacle demands answers - Ali

Jan 5, 2022 The Washington Post
After motorists in Virginia were left stranded on the highway for over 24 hours, calls for an investigation into the state's handling of the disaster mounted. Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, weighed in on the event.  "That...

Ivacko debates 2022 hot topics

Jan 5, 2022
Selected as a panelist for Hour Detroit's 2022 political predictions, Tom Ivacko, Executive Director of CLOSUP, weighed in on some of the most burning questions about Michigan's 2022 elections. The first question: How would Roe v. Wade, and...
In the Media

Tompkins-Stange discusses "hazy rules" of donating

Jan 5, 2022 The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Debating the hazy rules of donating to charities, Megan Tompkins-Stange, assistant professor of public policy, discussed how the rules and donations affect politics. “We don’t know exactly what company and what special interest or high net-worth...

Stevenson's end-of year commentary on the economy

Jan 3, 2022
Ford School economics professor Betsey Stevenson saw resilience in the U.S. economy at the end of 2021, despite lingering problems for some segments of the population like caregivers.  Speaking with Yahoo! Finance, she said the economy had...
In the Media

Schwarz reacts to newly-drawn Michigan districts

Jan 3, 2022 The Detroit News
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission recently released the newly-drawn district maps. Democrats are liking what they see, predicting the maps give them the best chance in decades to win a majority in the state Senate. "It's...
In the Media

Ali warns of COVID-related military susceptibility to extremism

Dec 23, 2021 The Hill
As the Pentagon begins to separate out non-vaccinated personnel across different services for refusing to comply with the Defense Department’s COVID vaccine mandate, a risk exists that those people could become targets of domestic extremist...
In the Media

Wolfers argues Build Back Better is not inflationary

Dec 23, 2021 CNN
When West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) announced he could not support the Biden administration's Build Back Better plan, one of the reasons he cited was the inflationary effect an injection of $2 trillion could have on the economy. Ford School...
In the Media

Pilkauskas weighs in on policy that addresses need

Dec 20, 2021 Wallet Hub
In a WalletHub interview, Natasha Pilkauskas shares insights about "changes and challenges experienced by needy groups and those who desire to help" based on her recent research showing benefits of the Earned Income Tax Credit and other benefits...

2021: A year of public policy

Dec 16, 2021
The Ford School of Public Policy is a top-ranked public policy school dedicated to preparing diverse leaders to take on society’s most pressing challenges and make transformational discoveries through cutting-edge research. Experts from the Ford...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses Federal Reserve policy

Dec 15, 2021 Bloomberg
Following the Federal Reserve's announcement, Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, appeared on Bloomberg's "Sound On" podcast to discuss monetary policy changes. "The Fed did exactly what everyone expected them to do today,...
State & Hill

Faculty findings, fall 2021

Dec 13, 2021
Who would pay if we stop using natural gas? New research co-authored by economist Catherine Hausman considers the equity impacts of transitioning from natural gas to other energy sources. According to the U.S. Energy Information...

Early education expert Weiland on the Build Back Better bill

Dec 13, 2021
Experts at the University of Michigan are available to discuss the Build Back Better bill making its way to the Senate floor. Below is an excerpt from a Michigan News faculty Q&A. Christina Weiland is an associate professor at the School of...
In the Media

Josh Hausman explains how COVID has broken the economy

Dec 10, 2021 The Atlantic
With his opinion article in The Atlantic, Josh Hausman, associate professor of public policy and economics, suggests high inflation rates may last for years. He describes the reasons behind inflation—including a consumer shift from services to...

Ali rings alarm bells on national security

Dec 10, 2021 Protect Democracy
In a week when President Biden convened a global summit on democracy, Javed Ali joined two other national security experts in who signed an open letter to Congress highlighting the security dangers that have risen from election subversion. Watch the...

CLOSUP and Ivacko applauded for partnering with city of Flint

Dec 8, 2021
News outlets are applauding Tom Ivacko and the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy's announcement about a project with the city of Flint that will examine whether a new fiscal reporting mechanism can help create transparency in local fiscal...
In the Media

Stevenson and Wolfers on 'The Great Reallocation'

Dec 8, 2021 The New York Times
Writing in The New York Times, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers shared their views on what the future of work looks like in 2022—an economic upheaval they call "The Great Reallocation"—which just may lead to a more humane labor market. They...
In the Media

Rabe comments on Democratic strategy to pass climate policy

Dec 6, 2021 E&E News
The Democrats are relying on messaging that includes extreme weather events to pass the climate portion of their social spending package. "It fits the more classic model of environmental policy adoption in the U.S., where usually, we would expect...