Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Economics and finance

Showing 331 - 360 of 1810 results
In the Media

Levy discusses inflation effects on retirees

Mar 21, 2022 The Washington Post
As prices rise, retirees living on a fixed income are left anxious and worried. Helen Levy, research professor at the Institute for Social Research, discussed why pandemic policies, like expanding the Child Tax Credit and unemployment benefits,...
In the Media

Oil price uncertainty a factor for the Fed - Stevenson

Mar 21, 2022 NPR Marketplace
The Federal Reserve walks a thin line while trying to stop inflation without stopping growth. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, discussed what they need to consider when deciding which policy levers to pull. “Are we...

Rabe talks carbon pricing on 'In Over My Head'

Mar 20, 2022 In Over My Head
Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, recently appeared on the podcast In Over My Head to discuss the intricacies of carbon pricing.  "The idea of carbon ... was developed principally in the discipline of...
In the Media

Stevenson analyzes conflicting views of the economy

Mar 17, 2022 The New York Times
Republican governors across the country have been criticizing President Biden for his economic policies while touting their own. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, weighed in on the trend. “Basically it’s insane to say,...

Wolfers weighs in on war in Ukraine and inflation

Mar 14, 2022
Inflation continues to dominate headlines as Americans worry about rising prices everywhere from housing to the gas pump. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, provided some insight into the state of the economy. "There’s no...
In the Media

How we should think about the government's budget - Leiser

Mar 14, 2022 WXYZ
Many Americans use the analogy of a pie to think about the government budget. But, Sarah Leiser, lecturer of public policy and leader of the Michigan Local Government Fiscal Health Project at CLOSUP, says there's another way to think about...

Stevenson describes Biden report, current labor market

Mar 8, 2022
A new report from the Biden administration highlights how employer practices, including collusion and constraints on competiton, are limiting workers' choices and wages. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, explained the cause...
In the Media

Wolfers warns against suspending the gas tax

Mar 6, 2022 The Economist
Gas prices have risen to record levels, and sanctions against Russia could force them higher. On Capitol Hill, suspending gas taxes has entered the conversation. But, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, warns against...
In the Media

Stevenson gives update on the labor market

Mar 6, 2022 Bloomberg
Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, recently appeared on Bloomberg's "Balance of Power" to discuss the latest jobs report.  "We saw a lot of jobs added and we saw employment grow. So, across the board, this is a really...
In the Media

Wolfers on job gains: Job market is "motoring"

Mar 4, 2022 MarketWatch
Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers reacted to the strong March jobs report. “Very very strong payrolls report: +678k jobs in February, with unemployment edging down to 3.8%. Add in solid positive revisions that added a total of +92k...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses popularity of paid family leave

Mar 3, 2022 Marketplace
Across the country, paid family leave policies are gaining more and more support. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, discussed why. “In a tight labor market, you see employers become quite creative in trying to think...

Hausman discusses market forces for clean energy outcomes

Mar 2, 2022
Serving as a panelist at a recent Environmental Defense Fund webinar, Catherine Hausman discussed how market designs can lead to clean energy outcomes. “In a world without the ideal carbon emissions regulation that we might hope for, we need to...

Stevenson testifies on the need for more affordable childcare

Mar 2, 2022
Ford School economics professor Betsey Stevenson testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, in a hearing  about "how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the already struggling child care sector, and the resulting...

Johnson's study helps analyze thriving economy

Feb 23, 2022
A recent Washington Post article used a paper co-authored by David Johnson, director of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, and Ford School professor by courtesy, to analyze American bank accounts.  "People were much slower to spend their...

Stevenson discusses importance of paid family leave

Feb 23, 2022
In the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents found themselves at home watching their children, rather than working, due to daycare closures. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, explained how child care closures...
In the Media

Wolfers discusses accuracy of economic predictions

Feb 23, 2022 Marketplace
As technology improves, economists are handed more and more data to make predictions with. But, does it make those predictions better? “The evidence seems to be if we are, only a little bit," Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and...
In the Media

Rabe addresses Russian invasion and policy impacts

Feb 23, 2022 E&E News
How will American sanctions on Russia impact Americans? While that question is still unanswered, Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, discussed the policy impacts the situation may have.  “It does raise the...
In the Media

Shaefer lauds EITC

Feb 16, 2022 Detroit Free Press
In the midst of tax filing season, many Americans, especially younger and retired workers, are realizing that new tax rules will result in larger refunds. Luke Shaefer, Hermann and Amalie Kohn Professor of Social Justice and Social Policy, discussed...

Wolfers weighs in on inflation

Feb 16, 2022
Americans are becoming increasingly worried about inflation. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the Federal Reserve's current approach to intervening in the economy to address the issue. "The mechanism by which...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses inflation and demand

Feb 13, 2022 CNN Politics
With inflation rising as the economy bounces back from the COVID-19 recession, the automobile industry is one area that has struggled due to labor and supply shortages. "The people screaming for Biden to do something do not want the Fed to raise...
In the Media

Stevenson proposes solutions for inflation

Feb 10, 2022 Yahoo! News
With Americans panicking about rising prices, Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, proposed how to slow inflation down.  "So we've got two ways to fix the problem: We can bring down demand ... or we can try to increase...
In the Media

Wolfers discusses state of the economy

Feb 8, 2022 WDET
Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, recently appeared on WDET to talk about the economy, inflation, and jobs.  "People are complaining about rising prices and inflation. That’s their concern right now. It’s not about jobs,"...
In the Media

Not all Americans included in economic recovery - Wolfers

Feb 6, 2022 Los Angeles Times
The latest jobs report reflects a strong, recovering economy. But, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, explained that not all Americans are feeling the effects of recovery.  "A lot of people, particularly older people, have...