Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Economics and finance

Showing 1561 - 1590 of 1860 results

PUBPOL 555: Microeconomics A

Kevin Stange
This course begins a two-term sequence designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic implications of public policies and with analytic tools useful in system design and policy...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

Kristin Seefeldt
During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that...

PUBPOL 555: Microeconomics A

Kevin Stange
This course begins a two-term sequence designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic implications of public policies and with analytic tools useful in system design and policy...

PUBPOL 456: Local Government, Opportunity for Activism

What goes on in city government is in many ways more important to our lives than what happens in Washington. This course goes beyond the structure and theory of municipal government to look at how things really happen at the local...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that...
PubPol 626

PubPol 626: The History and Future of Detroit

No metropolis played a greater role in shaping the Twentieth Century world than did Detroit. This course focuses upon the history and future of Detroit emphasizing the private and governmental policies that now seek to revitalize the...
PubPol 750.009

PubPol 750.009: New: Topics: Wielding Economic Power

Wielding Economic Power We're going to look together at the elements of economic influence --trade, investment, financial flows, sanctions, rules, organizations-- and examine how countries use...