Faculty discussant Bill Bynum, Towsley Policymaker in Residence, will focus on the role of policy to advance economic opportunity for disenfranchised populations. January 12, 2022.
Professor of Economics and Law James Hines discusses the most sensible way to pay for the federal government, noting that the answer lies largely in higher tax rates, not in the many popularly-discussed alternatives. November, 2021.
In this talk, H. Luke Shaefer reviews research on the impacts of the largest and most comprehensive expansion of the social safety net in modern times, and where the nation goes from here.
Betsy Stevenson assesses where there have been positive developments and where new policies are needed to ensure long-term stability and opportunity for families and workers. September, 2021.
Penny Naas (MPP '93) talks about key issues in government and business, including diversity, the relationships between the regulated and the regulators, and environmental sustainability. September, 2021.
Racial Foundations of Public Policy is a fall 2021 virtual speaker series that focuses on the historical roots and impact of race in shaping public policy as both a disciplinary field and as a course of action. September, 2021.
Professors Yimfor and Tookes use the investment advisory industry as a laboratory to test whether there are improvements in employee misconduct following M&A events ("misconduct synergies''). September, 2021.
Stephanie Leiser, lecturer in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, discusses the Local Fiscal Health Project, an initiative of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy to help local governments navigate fiscal challenges.
“Insider giving” is a potent substitute for insider trading. Professor Seyhun and co-authors S. Burcu Avci, Cindy A. Schipani, and Andrew Verstein show that insider giving is far more widespread than previously believed.
This event is hosted by the African Studies Center and organized as part of U-M's Africa Week, which brings together thought leaders in higher education, industry, and government for a series of discussions on the key issues and opportunities
Peter Adriaens explains how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) measurement, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) are increasingly important considerations to manage growth and climate
Linda Tesar reviews some recent evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on economic activity in the US and abroad and will discuss some of the ways that macroeconomists have begun to model the "COVID shock" and its economic effects.
Barr spoke at the annual New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Coalition conference, sharing his experience as a Clinton administration official as the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act was established and signed into law in December, 2
POLITICO’s Victoria Guida, Malavika Raghavan of Dvara Research, Jo Ann Barefoot of the Alliance for Innovative Regulation, and Douglas Arner of Hong Kong University discuss how wide the regulatory perimeter is or could be.
Chris Brummer of Georgetown Law School takes a deep dive on CBDCs with former CFTC Commissioner Chris Giancarlo, economist Dr. Lisa Cook from Michigan State University, Morgan Ricks of Vanderbilt Law School, and Bejoy Das Gupta of eCurrency.
Kaitlin Asrow of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco leads a panel discussion with former CGAP Senior Financial Sector Consultant David Medine, Sopnendu Mohanty of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and iSPIRT’s Siddharth Shetty.
The National Bank of Cambodia is innovating fast. In this keynote address, Her Excellency Chea Serey describes the evolving role of the central bank in currency, data, cybersecurity, and supervision.
Timothy Massad, Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and former Chairman of the CFTC, kicks off Day 2 of the 2020 Central Bank of the Future Conference.
Daniel Gorfine of the Digital Dollar Project offers an easy-to-follow primer on the basics of central bank digital currencies at the 2020 Central bank of the Future Conference.
Futurist, engineer, and storyteller Dr. Claire Nelson of the Futures Forum kicks off the 2020 Central Bank of the Future Conference by urging central bankers to be systems thinkers, prioritizing moral metrics above all.