Abstract The case for a national effort to create core standards grows stronger by the day. Currently, 50 states have 50 standards, and most states are setting the bar as low as possible in order to comply with the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements of NCLB. Half the states have set fourth-grade reading benchmarks so low that they fall beneath even the most basic level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Washington, DC area alumni are invited to a book conversation with Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Megan E. Tompkins-Stange. She will be discussing her new book, Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Susan Dynarski, co-director of Education Policy Initiative and Professor of Public Policy, Education and Economics at the University of Michigan, will be a featured presenter at TEDx Indianapolis. The Education Policy Initiative will host a viewing party of her livestreamed presentation. Snacks and drinks provided.
Free and open to the public Teach For America (TFA) is an important but controversial source of teachers for hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty U.S. schools. We present findings from the first large-scale experimental study of secondary math teachers from TFA. We find that TFA teachers are more effective than other math teachers in the same schools, increasing student math achievement by 0.07 standard deviations over one school year.
Free and open to the public.Pizza lunch provided at 11:25am to the first 100 guests.Sponsored by: The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP)Co-sponsored by: The Education Policy Initiative (EPI) and the University of Michigan School of EducationFor more information visit www.closup.umich.edu or call 734-647-4091. Follow on Twitter @closup
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Sarah Cohodes will present work with Elizabeth Setren and Chris Walters titled "Can Successful Schools Replicate? Scaling Up Boston’s Charter School Sector."AbstractIn a climate of school turnarounds, charter school conversions, and new school openings, an important question is whether schools that boost student outcomes can reproduce their success at new campuses. We study a policy reform that allowed effective charter schools in Boston, Massachusetts to replicate their school models at new locations. Estimates based on randomized admission lotteries show that replicate charter schools generate large achievement gains on par with those produced by their parent campuses. The average effectiveness of Boston’s charter middle school sector increased after the reform despite a doubling of charter market share.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
A presentation by Carrie Xu, PhD student in Economics and Information on peer effects in a field experiment followed by a presentation by Ben Alcott, PhD student in Education, on whether progress assessments hinder equitable progress
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
In its formative years, the Ford School earned its reputation as a true pioneer in policy education. Beginning in 1914, we launched the nation's first systematic public service training program for local government leaders. We built the nation's first interdisciplinary, analytic public policy degree in 1968. In 1999, we proudly took the name of the University of Michigan's favorite son, the 38th President of the United States of America.
As a global community, we continue to face unprecedented, complex public challenges. Our world needs the efforts of an energetic, committed, creative generation that is prepared to lead. How will you make a difference?Join us for an undergraduate...
The Education Policy Initiative (EPI) is a program within the Ford School that brings together nationally-recognized education policy scholars focused on the generation and dissemination of policy-relevant education research. EPI conducts rigorous,...