Education | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 1111 - 1140 of 1254 results
PubPol 628/Educ 628

PubPol 628/Educ 628: Democracy and Education

David Cohen
When Americans write about democracy and education, they typically write about the constructive effects that education can have for democracy by improving future citizens' knowledge, political judgment, capacity for independent thought, and by...

PUBPOL 642: Socioeconomic Policy and Health Policy

James House
This course explores how and why socioeconomic policies (e.g., education, income/welfare, civil rights, macroeconomics/employment, housing/urban policies) may be as or more consequential for population health as “health” policies (i.e., health...
PubPol 475.003

PubPol 475.003: Topics: Utopianism and Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that...
PUBPOL 475.004

PUBPOL 475.004: Utopianism & Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...
PubPol 628/Educ 628

PubPol 628/Educ 628: Democracy and Education

David Cohen
Democracy and Education --- When Americans write about democracy and education, they typically write about the constructive effects that education can have for democracy by improving future citizens' knowledge, political judgment, capacity for...

PUBPOL 642: Socioeconomic Policy and Health Policy

James House
This course explores how and why socioeconomic policies (e.g., education, income/welfare, civil rights, macroeconomics/employment, housing/urban policies) may be as or more consequential for population health as “health” policies (i.e., health...