Ian Beniston, Hunter Morrison, John Russo and moderators June Manning Thomas and Margaret Dewar talk about Youngstown's innovative "2010 Plan" and possible applications for Michigan. March, 2014.
Michael E. Kraft, Christopher P. Borick, and moderator Barry Rabe summarize the findings of Coming Clean, and apply the lessons of the TRI program to the emerging concern over shale gas fracking. December, 2013.
Barry Rabe is an environmental policy professor at the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the Ford School.
Barry Rabe is an environmental policy professor at the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the Ford School.
Christopher Borick, Jacquelyn Pless, Erich Schwartzel and moderator Barry Rabe review emerging patterns in policy development in these two states as well as nationally. November 2012.
Christopher Borick, Erick Lachapelle, Barry Rabe and moderator Don Scavia reviews current policy commitments and provide an overview of public opinion on climate change and public policy options. February, 2011.
Barry Rabe discusses the recent Cape Wind panel held here at the Ford School as well as the status of wind power here in the state of Michigan. December, 2009.
Robert Whitcomb along with Matthew Wagner, and Sally Churchill will discuss the controversial "Cape Wind" off-shore wind farm project in Nantucket Sound and talk about the challenges of siting wind turbine facilities in Michigan.
Barry Rabe explains that even though the U.K. and the U.S. have taken divergent paths since the Kyoto Protocol, cross-continental climate change learning and collaboration has still taken place. October, 2009.
Marc Spitzer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner, discusses renewable energy and competition. His lecture is followed by a panel to further the discussion consisting Rob Gramlich, Barry Rabe and Meredith Fowlie. March, 2008.
Barry Rabe talks about the report he co-authored with Christopher Borick, a professor of political science at Muhlenberg College, titled "Survey of Michigan Residents on the Issue of Global Warming and Climate Policy Options." February, 2008.
Meredith Fowlie, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy & Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. December, 2007.