Energy and environment | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Energy and environment

Showing 871 - 895 of 895 results

Barry Rabe: Taxes on fracking? Politics in the shale era

Nov 5, 2014 0:02:05

University of Michigan environmental policy professor Barry Rabe looks at how states are responding to the first decade of extended development of oil and natural gas from shale deposits where federal involvement is limited.

Ford Legacy: Frank Zarb

Jul 14, 2013 0:03:53

Frank Zarb visits the Ford School to talk about energy policy and President Ford's legacy and imprint on the Ford School.

Barry Rabe: Climate change challenges and opportunities

Oct 15, 2009 0:01:32

Barry Rabe explains that even though the U.K. and the U.S. have taken divergent paths since the Kyoto Protocol, cross-continental climate change learning and collaboration has still taken place. October, 2009.

Marc Spitzer: Renewable energy and competition

Mar 17, 2008 1:23:02

Marc Spitzer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner, discusses renewable energy and competition. His lecture is followed by a panel to further the discussion consisting Rob Gramlich, Barry Rabe and Meredith Fowlie. March, 2008.

Barry Rabe: Michigan Environmental Survey

Feb 14, 2008 0:01:46

Barry Rabe talks about the report he co-authored with Christopher Borick, a professor of political science at Muhlenberg College, titled "Survey of Michigan Residents on the Issue of Global Warming and Climate Policy Options." February, 2008.