It was the summer of 1971 when the first mandated round of redistricting was taking place across the nation. A series of Supreme Court decisions in the '60s had directed states to create new legislative districts every ten years to reflect...
The city manager of Alexandria, Va., has instituted a new ethics initiative following a series of criminal charges against city workers in 2011, The Alexandria Times reported Monday. The eight incidents, which included charges of forgery,...
The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) ranked Michigan's state ethics laws 43rd in a recent nationwide study. But John Chamberlin, professor of political science and public policy at the Ford School, did not sound too distressed in an interview with...
John R. Chamberlin spoke to the Detroit Free Press about the resignation of Renee Axt, the former chairwoman of the Detroit Metro Airport board. According to the article authors, Axt resigned a few days after the Wayne County executive called for...
The Detroit Free Press spoke with John Chamberlin about ethics and the retirement of Shelby Twp. Clerk Terri Kowal.According to the article's author, Kowal ended her 21-years of working for the Shelby Twp. government under allegations of mishandling...
John R. Chamberlin was quoted in an story about the ethics of Wayne county public officials hiring specific contractors.The article, "This didn't start with Turkia Mullin: The inter-connected web of Wayne County politics from Ed McNamara...
Joy Rohde was quoted in a Boston Globe article about the U.S. military's use of reality-based computer modeling for intelligence analysis. Also called 'human terrain mapping,' this type of research creates models based on the behavior, beliefs, and...
According to new research by Brian Jacob and Thomas Dee, students are less likely to plagiarize when they are educated about plagiarism, rather than scared of getting caught. An Inside Higher Ed article explains that Jacob and Dee found an...
John Chamberlin spoke to the Detroit Free Press about Detroit pension board concerns over investments with businessman Robert Shumake. According to the article, in 2006 the pension boards agreed to invest millions of dollars with Shumake’s company...
In recognition of his deep expertise and his strong, interdisciplinary connections across campus, the University has named longtime Ford School faculty member John Chamberlin as the founding director of the U-M Center for Ethics.This new center will...
Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Health Policy Fund
World-renowned gynecologist, human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege will address the use of sexual violence in war, and also a new campaign focused on critical minerals and the role of responsible business in the peace process in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (Room 1120)
Former Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) and Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D) will address the threats to American democracy, and the need for civic discourse across party lines and around the country.
The Ford School community will have access to tickets of the UMS production of Fight Night, an interactive drama experience that gives a new perspective about the democratic process. An exclusive discussion with the show's director and cast members will follow the performance. On the brink of a presidential election that people on both sides have called the most consequential in history, Belgium’s extraordinary Ontroerend Goed offers a fun and thought-provoking, examination of free will and politics that puts electronic voting devices — and the candidates’ fates — directly into the hands of audience members.
Join for an important discussion on the complicated issue of race and policing in the United States, featuring New York Times Contributor Jessica Jaglois, and Director of Arts and Culture for the City of Detroit, Rochelle Riley.
Professor Prescott will discuss three papers on noncompetes, enforceability, and employee behavior for our April blue bag lunch talk over Zoom on Thursday, April 6.
On Thursday, March 30 at 4pm, the Center for Racial Justice invites you to attend our CRJ Visiting Fellows Spring Showcase featuring the work of our inaugural cohort of visiting fellows: sociologist and legal scholar, Dr. Atinuke (Tinu) Adediran; freelance journalist, Makeda Easter; and writer and filmmaker, Julian Brave NoiseCat. Fellows will present their racial justice catalyst projects to the U-M community, followed by remarks from U-M community members: Vikramaditya S. Khanna (U-M Law), Srimoyee Mitra (U-M Stamps), and Forrest Cox (BA '13 and U-M Ross). A post-event reception will be held in the Rebecca M. Blank Great Hall. Please register here!
Join us as we welcome Dr. Ruha Benjamin to campus to discuss her newest book, Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want. In this talk, Dr. Benjamin draws on the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and introduces a micro-vision of change—a way of looking at the everyday ways people are working to combat unjust systems and build alternatives to the oppressive status quo.
Join the Center for Racial Justice for a workshop on changemaking from the inside with Gabrielle Wyatt, part of our Racial Justice in Practice workshop series. Open to U-M students, faculty, staff, and community partners. In this virtual workshop, we will collectively visit frameworks and strategies for affecting change as institutional insiders. Specifically, we will discuss strategies for building and sustaining multi-generational change by exploring power, structural change, and leadership.
Join the Center for Racial Justice for a workshop on decolonizing development with Farah Mahesri, part of our Racial Justice in Practice workshop series. Open to U-M students, faculty, staff, and community partners. In this interactive 3-hour session, we will collectively explore what a decolonized space or a decolonized approach for global development actually look like. How can we structure our organizations and our programs to draw to center more liberatory practices and help us radically re-imagine global development?
In collaboration with the IEDP board, IPSA will host a film screening of My Imaginary Country, a documentary that covers the protests that exploded onto the streets of Chile's capital of Santiago in 2019 as the population demanded more democracy and social equality around education, healthcare and job opportunities.
The Center for Racial Justice proudly welcomes Angela Harrelson to the Ford School and the University of Michigan for the Masterclass in Activism. Angela Harrelson is the aunt of George Floyd, as well as the author of Lift Your Voice.
This event—hosted by NYU Law's Brennan Center for Justice and featuring Ford School Professor Ann Chih Lin—will dive into the impact on communities of color and present an opportunity to learn about efforts to organize and fight back so that everyone is granted the opportunity to feel at home on American soil.
National Museum of American Diplomacy and the Weiser Diplomacy Center will host a virtual simulation for all Ford School students focused on an international migration crisis.
Students will learn the laws that influence water diplomacy in the Middle East and later represent Israel, Jordan and Palestine in a simulation to identify mechanisms that can enable more sustainable water management in the region.