Gender, race and ethnicity | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Gender, race and ethnicity

Gender, race and ethnicity

Showing 931 - 960 of 973 results

Earl Lewis: History, reparations and policy 2.0

Feb 19, 2021 0:54:56

Earl Lewis, the Thomas C. Holt Distinguished University Professor of History, Afroamerican and African Studies, and Public Policy, will lead a discussion on history, reparations, and policy.

Economic Textbooks Show a World with Few Women

Feb 2, 2018 0:01:05

Betsey Stevenson, associate professor of public policy at the University of Michigan's Ford School, talks about a new study that examines gender bias in introductory economics textbooks.

Bankole Thompson: Reverend Jesse Jackson interview

Nov 9, 2016 0:06:01

Bankole Thompson talks with Reverend Jesse Jackson about his thoughts on his presidential campaign, student activism, current civil right struggles, and the 2016 election.  October, 2016.

American Denial panel

Jan 26, 2015 1:03:02

The Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies presents a screening of American Denial, followed by a discussion with producer/director Llewellyn Smith, Martha S. Jones, and moderated by the Ford School's own Joy Rohde.

Rebecca Blank: Inequality in America

Apr 10, 2014 1:10:31

Rebecca Blank investigates the problem of rising economic inequality in the United States and the various options for addressing it. April, 2014.

Susan Dynarski: State of Education in Michigan

Apr 25, 2013 0:31:22

Susan Dynarski discusses the state of education in Michigan and how college-going rates throughout Michigan are affected by race, income, and quality of high school education.