Health | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 241 - 270 of 688 results
In the Media

Gerber and Morenoff seek to understand vaccine hesitancy in Detroit

Jan 25, 2021 Model D
"It really jumped out that for people of color in general, and Blacks specifically, how important it is to get a [vaccination] recommendation from a health care provider or government health officials," said Jeffrey Morenoff, commenting on findings...
In the Media

Parthasarathy comments on the increasing politicization of science

Jan 25, 2021 Chemical & Engineering News
Noting fierce partisan debates over the science behind COVID-19, Shobita Parthasarathy comments that "These are really values debates masquerading as scientific debates. And putting them into the language of science is bad for science, but it is...
In the Media

Parthasarathy comments on Biden's science strategy

Jan 21, 2021 Axios
Emphasizing a need to pay attention to marginalized communities, Shobita Parthasarathy says "Giving people more involvement in decision-making about what research is prioritized and how it is carried out could help "align government's values with...
In the Media

Parthasarathy lauds Biden's choice for science and society advisor

Jan 18, 2021 Science Mag
"What an incredibly important and forward-thinking move to include social perspectives on science and tech policy in the office," said Shobita Parthasarathy about Alondra Nelson, the new deputy director for science and society in the White House...
In the Media

Lead pipe replacement needs consistent funding, says Leiser

Jan 15, 2021 Bridge
An article in Bridge magazine about funding for replacing lead pipes notes that,  "Often, the communities with the biggest backlog of upgrades and fixes are the least-equipped financially to pay for them. As a result, they must raise rates. That...
In the Media

Watkins-Hayes addresses COVID-19 vaccine reluctance

Jan 12, 2021 Detroit Free Press
Watkins-Hayes commented in an article in the Detroit Free Press about reluctance in the Black community in Detroit to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. "These racial and class differences are both disconcerting and yet completely understandable and...

Lantz charts a pathway for equitable actions on COVID-19

Jan 6, 2021
When new waves of the current COVID-19 pandemic emerge, or another novel pandemic emerges, how can the United States be better prepared and also ensure a rapid response that reduces rather than exacerbates social and health inequities? In a...

Parthasarathy profiled: why we need to diversify expertise

Jan 5, 2021 Public Books
In a Public Books Public Thinker profile, Shobita Parthasarathy discusses what drew her to science and technology policy, gene patents and testing, COVID-19, and the role of diversity and activism in science/technology to regain public trust.  In...

Celeste Watkins-Hayes takes a people-centered research approach

Jan 4, 2021
New Ford School sociologist Celeste Watkins-Hayes works at the intersection of inequality, public policy, and institutions, with a special focus on urban poverty and race, class, and gender studies. Her most recent book Remaking a Life: How Women...

Students highlight their practical policy engagements

Dec 17, 2020
Ford School students engaged in real problem-solving in the fall 2020 semester, tackling some of the most important issues facing Michigan. The undergraduate and graduate students participated in research and analysis projects as a part of the...
In the Media

Wolfers: Postpone Thanksgiving to save lives

Nov 19, 2020 New York Times
"Let’s postpone Thanksgiving until May 27. By then Americans should have a lot more to be thankful for, including the likely availability of at least two highly effective vaccines, perhaps the freedom to get together with friends and possibly the...
In the Media

Another stimulus will be needed, says Shaefer

Nov 9, 2020 Market Watch
The initial stimulus plan was “the best thing we’ve ever done for low-income families during an economic crisis and it’s not even close,” said Shaefer. “It’s quite clear we’re going to need another economic stimulus to help families at this time” to...
In the Media

Udow-Phillips outlines Biden's healthcare priorities

Nov 6, 2020 U.S. News & World Report
"Joe Biden was squarely in the camp of building on the Affordable Care Act," Udow-Phillips said. "His proposals for health care reform do speak to making health care more affordable, by building on the health insurance exchanges." Read the full...