Human rights | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Human rights

Showing 511 - 523 of 523 results

John Ciorciari: Justice in Cambodia

Jun 30, 2010 0:02:51

John Ciorciari talks about the first verdict to be issued by the United Nations-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal against Duch (or Kaing Guek Eav). June, 2010.

Rightsizing Michigan’s prison population panel

Mar 16, 2009 1:22:39

Patricia L. Caruso, Robert Brown & Dennis Schrantz discuss changes in Michigan crime & corrections policies at "Rightsizing Michigan's Prison Population: Policy-driven Expansion and Reduction in an Era of Mass Incarceration" panel.

Allan Stam: Understanding the Rwanda genocide

Feb 18, 2009 1:18:01

Allan Stam, U-M Professor of Political Science and Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies, discusses the genocide, civil war, vendetta killings and random violence that took place in Rwanda in 1994. February, 2009.

Dean Yang: Central American research summaries

Dec 23, 2007 0:03:59

Dean Yang, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School & Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science and the Arts talks about his current research projects in Central America. December, 2007.

Larry Cox: Human rights in the post-September 11 world

Sep 11, 2007 1:22:14

Larry Cox discusses events that created the environment that exists today, suggests what can be done to make the United States a credible proponent of human rights, and proposes actions to encourage the rule of law and human rights.

Cecilia Muñoz: Immigration reform legislation

Apr 28, 2007 0:01:57

Cecilia Muñoz Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, National Council of La Raza; Harry A. and former Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence, discusses Immigration reform legislation. April, 2007.

Yazier Henry: The cost of forgiveness

Apr 4, 2007 1:23:05

Henry's lecture, "The Cost of Forgiveness: After South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)" discusses post-TRC issues based on his experience with Apartheid violence survivors, TRC, and combatant survivor experience.

Catherine Bertini: Humanitarian action

Feb 5, 2007 1:11:52

Catherine Bertini discusses humanitarian options in her lecture titled, "Humanitarian Action: Saving Lives, Facilitating Change, Working Toward Peace." February, 2007.