Politics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 211 - 240 of 1781 results

Rabe addresses climate change conspiracies

Feb 13, 2023
Climate change deniers are using new strategies to spread their beliefs — namely the conspiracy theory that climate change is a hoax meant to subdue populations. Climate policy expert Barry Rabe talked to Newsweek to break down that myth and its...

Wolfers optimistic on inflation and recession risks

Feb 8, 2023
The U.S. economic recovery from the significant setbacks of the pandemic has seen inflationary pressure from supply chain disruptions and the war in Ukraine, among other factors. Justin Wolfers, Ford School professor of public policy and...

Stevenson provides lessons, advice for 118th Congress

Feb 6, 2023
As the 118th Congress begins, Americans’ trust in Congress and government is at an all-time low. Economist Betsey Stevenson lends her expertise to members of Congress in a new article for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. First, Stevenson says,...
In the Media

Hanson considers George Santos's future

Feb 3, 2023 USA Today
Jonathan Hanson, USA Today: "I think Republicans feel like they can't afford to lose any more seats. They already have a very tenuous situation where they can't afford barely any defections on a vote if they want something to pass. This is a...
In the Media

Rabe: Biden Administration faces conflicts in drilling decisions

Feb 2, 2023 The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal: Barry Rabe, a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy, said that the Biden administration’s mixed decision reflected the challenges it faces balancing the need to curb...
In the Media

Udow-Phillips: politics and medicine not a good mix

Jan 26, 2023 Politico
Marianne Udow-Phillips, Politico: "Politics has always been in medicine, no question, but the pandemic really exacerbated those issues. The profession is deeply examining the issue. There is tremendous worry. There is no question the profession is...
In the Media

Hall analyzes Michigan campaign funding

Jan 24, 2023 MLive
Richard Hall, MLive: "You go where the money is, right? The fact that a candidate might be raising a relatively small share of his campaign contributions from in-district means something different if he comes from a relatively low-income...
In the Media

Wolfers explains the debt ceiling

Jan 19, 2023 One News Page
Justin Wolfers, One News Page: "The person who raises your credit card limit is the credit card company. It's the lender. Speaker McCarthy is part of the government. The government is the borrower. The only choice the borrower makes, and we all face...
In the Media

Hanson analyzes how classified documents could hurt Biden in 2024

Jan 19, 2023 Folha de Sao Paulo
Jonathan Hanson, Folha de Sao Paulo: "The case shames and removes an advantage that Biden had against Trump. Even if the magnitude of what we're talking about is substantially different, in the number of documents the former president had and the...

Showcasing student talent to inspire democratic engagement

Jan 15, 2023
Five student acts will vie for prizes at a free, festival-style concert at Hill Auditorium on January 21 in a performance that celebrates the grand finale of the Songs for Democracy competition. The competition invited students to compose...

Announcing winter 2023 Ford School events

Jan 11, 2023
 The Ford School is pleased to announce an exciting lineup for the winter 2023 Policy Talks @ the Ford School series and other special public events hosted with partners from across campus. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise...
In the Media

Hanson lays out dynamics of Michigan 2024 Senate race

Jan 6, 2023 Up North Live
Jonathan Hanson, Up North Live: "For the upcoming Senate race to not have a longtime incumbent there, it opens up. I think it was already going to be competitive, but this could make it even more competitive still. We're gonna see probably both...
In the Media

Bednar speculates about 2024 Michigan Senate seat

Jan 5, 2023 Newsweek
Jenna Bednar, Newsweek: "I think this is great news for both parties of Michigan. [Stabenow] opened her announcement by talking about how much talent is in the state. Oh my goodness does the Republican Party of Michigan need reorganization, as they...

Hills condemns lawsuits against energy producers

Jan 5, 2023
Outraged at lawsuits filed by states and municipalities alleging energy companies are responsible for weather-related damages, Rusty Hills, lecturer in public policy, took to the National Law Journal to argue against these frivolous...
In the Media

Bednar discusses who will replace Senator Stabenow

Jan 5, 2023 WSJM
Jenna Bednar, WSJM: "She opened that announcement by talking about the deep talent in the state in the Democratic party, and I think everybody is seeing that. There’s a number of people you could imagine throwing their hat in the...
In the Media

Ivacko reflects on 2022, and what it means for future elections

Jan 5, 2023 Hour Detroit
Tom Ivacko, Hour Detroit: Tom Ivacko, executive director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the University of Michigan, nailed it: “The 2022 election outcomes will be the hot topic — including what they mean for Trump and his hold...
In the Media

Goldenberg breaks down prolonged Speaker of the House vote

Jan 4, 2023 The Globe and Mail
Edie Goldenberg, The Globe and Mail: "The Republicans are just in a really difficult situation, because their margin is so small and this bloc is so determined. They want to be able to stymie things if things are not going their way. This is an...
State & Hill

Think local: CLOSUP checks in with local government officials

Dec 19, 2022
Democracy in the United States and across the globe has been in decline for years, as documented with rigorous tracking methodologies. Freedom House has tracked declines in civil liberties and political rights in the U.S., for example. And the...
State & Hill

Discourse: Fordies in the news, fall 2022

Dec 19, 2022
“The line of students registering to vote on Election Day stretched across the University of Michigan campus, with students waiting for over four hours. There was a palpable sense of excitement and urgency around the election on campus. For many...
In the Media

Bednar discusses national reaction to DeSantis strategy

Dec 16, 2022 South Florida Sun Sentinel
Jenna Bednar, South Florida Sun Sentinel: "I just don’t see that as the same kind of rallying cry in Michigan that he might be receiving in Florida. Nobody was really getting excited about that. We are not as COVID-obsessed as some other states,...

Cavaillé talks voting, inequality with University of Cambridge

Dec 13, 2022
Charlotte Cavaillé, assistant professor of public policy, joined the University of Cambridge via podcast to discuss income and regional inequality, why policymakers should care, and what policy interventions work best to reduce them. "In order to...