Poverty and social policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Poverty and social policy

Showing 781 - 810 of 1270 results

Ford School students host annual US-Canada conference

Mar 31, 2015
The 6th annual Ford+SPPG Conference took place earlier this month at Joan and Sanford Weill Hall in Ann Arbor. The event brings together MPP candidates from the Ford School and the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy and Governance...
State & Hill

Policy analysis and prescience, making life better

Dec 18, 2014
To solve a vexing problem. To seize a promising opportunity. To find the best path forward. For centuries, for millennia, we’ve sought the power of prescience. These days, policy analysis—well and thoughtfully done—is among the most powerful tools...
State & Hill

On poverty, policy, and people: Sheldon Danziger's lasting legacy

Dec 9, 2014
Two wars dominated the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. One was the war in Vietnam, whose escalation in 1964 triggered more than a decade of combat in Southeast Asia and discontent at home. The other was a wide-ranging package of social legislation...

Kary Moss on Detroit water shutoffs

Oct 22, 2014
Kary Moss speaks on the Detroit water shutoffs in Henry Gass’s “Do Detroit's water shutoffs violate international law? UN to investigate,” posted in the Christian Science Monitor on October 17. The United Nations visited Detroit last weekend to...

Law enforcement increasingly intolerant of dissent

Aug 29, 2014
"It's very clear that when people get this gear they tend to want to use it," says Joy Rohde in the August 28 Policy Points video, "When the police look like soldiers." Rohde argues that militarized police departments lead to violent confrontations...

Wealth inequality doubles among US households

Jun 27, 2014
By Diane SwanbrowWealth inequality among U.S. households roughly doubled between 2003 and 2013, according to a new analysis by University of Michigan researchers."American families experienced significant losses in wealth during the Great Recession,...

NY Times publishes "answer on a postcard"

Jun 19, 2014
Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) and Michael Bennet (D-Colo) have proposed a bipartisan bill to dramatically simplify the college financial aid form. They announced their proposal in the op-ed column, "An Answer on a Postcard," published by The New...

Internship field report: Nick Pfost @ EqualityMaine

Jun 3, 2014
Second year Ford School students are engaged in public policy internships all around the world this summer, and we're hoping they'll check in to share news from the field.Review more internship field reports from Ford School students serving...

Michigan's hourly minimum wage to increase to $9.25

May 29, 2014
In the May 28 Michigan Daily article, "Michigan law raises minimum wage to $9.25," Margo Levy, an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, interviews Professors Sandra Danziger and Alan Deardorff on the pros and cons of the state's new...
State & Hill

Hauling charcoal, studying conservation in Kenya

May 5, 2014
By William Foreman Zach Petroni (BA '13) believes that to truly know something, you have to experience it. So that's why he spent some time working as a charcoal hauler in Kenya, loading huge bags of the fuel on a rusty fixed-gear bike and...
State & Hill

Fighting poverty like an IPPSter

May 2, 2014
Peter Borish applies analytics and creativity to for-profit and not-for-profit endeavors alike "I was like every other kid," says Peter Borish (AB '81, MPP '82). "When I was growing up, I wanted to become a professional baseball player." Like...