Science and technology | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Science and technology

Showing 301 - 330 of 658 results

Rabe cited in coverage of new EPA report on fracking

Jun 8, 2015
Barry Rabe, a Ford School professor and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), was recently cited by both the Financial Times and the U.S. News & World Report in coverage surrounding the last week's release of findings...

In the news, Robert Axelrod wins National Medal of Science

Nov 20, 2014
“Why do we choose to cooperate and how can we promote greater cooperation in world affairs? These are the questions that Robert Axelrod has pursued for more than 40 years.” So begins Eric M. Johnson’s deep Q&A with National Medal of Science...

Parthasarathy on the limitations of pink ribbon campaigns

Oct 22, 2014
“This month, we are inundated with pink,” writes Shobita Parthasarathy, for The Conversation, a news source newly launched in the U.S. to offer views from the academic and research community.“By wearing pink ribbons, purchasing pink products, and...

Mapping Ebola to combat its spread

Sep 3, 2014
On August 18, Dr. Dan Kelly published an op-ed in the San Francisco Gate. His friend and colleague, a medical doctor, had died in Sierra Leone after serving an Ebola patient without protective gear. It wasn’t negligence, wrote Kelly, an infectious...

Carl Simon talks Ebola and the power of quarantine

Aug 26, 2014
In an August 26 Policy Points video, Carl Simon argues that quarantine is the key to containing and eliminating the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus—the most deadly to date. “The first Ebola outbreak was noted about 40 years ago in small...