Science and technology | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Science and technology

Showing 661 - 690 of 693 results

Cybersecurity: Threats, policy, and responses panel

Sep 30, 2020 0:54:36

Paul Abbate, Associate Deputy Director of the FBI, and David Levy,  Vice President of Amazon Web Services, discuss current cybersecurity threats, formulating policy, and calibrating responses.

Adrienne Harris: The Promise of FinTech

Nov 25, 2019 0:22:00

FinTech Challenge Pitch Event - Featuring Prof. Adrienne Harris, Senior Research Fellow, Center on Finance, Law & Policy, on "The Promise of FinTech" 

FinTech Panel 2: Market Innovations (Day 1)

Nov 16, 2017 1:21:18

This panel analyzes market innovations in high-frequency trading, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Panelists will explore market efficiency, fairness, investor protection, and systemic issues.

Doug Elmendorf: Choices for federal spending and taxes

Sep 20, 2012 1:12:47

Doug Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, talks about the current fiscal challenges facing the United States. In this lecture he presents what the "fiscal cliff" means, the consequences and options to avoid it.