Aaron David Miller discusses if Arab-Israeli peace is possible. He draws upon his 20+ years of experience at the Department of State as an advisor to six Secretaries of State, and as Senior Advisor for Arab-Israeli Negotiations. March, 2006.
Charles Vest's lecture titled "Improving the U.S. Intelligence Community-Lessons from Iraq, Libya, and Elsewhere" discusses how the United States can improve its intelligence gathering. October, 2005.
Jessica Stern talks about her years of interviews with members of extremist organizations around the world and her book "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill." January, 2005.
James Levinsohn talks about trade policy at the 2003 J. Ira & Nicki S. Harris Family Professorship Lecture titled, "Trade Policy as Development Policy." November, 2003.
Catherine Bertini discusses increasing U.S. aide to foreign countries in her talk titled, "Why wait for another Afghanistan: The Case for Increasing US Aid." October, 2002.
Keynote Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, and panelists Marina Whitman and David Featherman discuss changes since September 11 in the panel titled "One Year After: Changes in Policy, Politics and Public Attitudes Since Sept 11, 2001." September, 2002.