Presenting Rip Rapson, President & CEO of the Kresge Foundation Free and open to the public. A reception will immediately follow in the hallway outside of room 250. About the speaker: Rip Rapson is president and CEO of The Kresge Foundation, a $3.1 billion private foundation based in metropolitan Detroit and founded by S.S. Kresge in 1924.
Anthrax scares, nuisance lawsuits and political attacks and are all in a day's work for some climate scientists. In his July 2012 feature story in Popular Science, journalist Tom Clynes investigated the people and organizations behind the harassment—and their influence on scientific research, public opinion and policy.
Professor Mann is renowned for his work on documenting temperature changes over the last millennium. He will speak on his science and on his experience as the target of climate change deniers who attack scientific research, and why they do so. This is a crucial issue of academic freedom for our times!
The Tanner Lecture on Human Values 2011-2012 presents Professor John Broome, the White's Professor of Moral Philosophy, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford. All events are open to the public without charge.
Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. Wendy Abrams Founder of Cool Globes, Inc.National Council of Environmental Defense Waterkeeper Alliance, TrusteeThe Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Trustee About the lectureIn this talk, Wendy Abrams will share how her concern of climate change affecting her children's future kick-started her journey from career businesswoman to environmental advocate, a journey on which U-M students can model their own paths as they combine their academic knowledge, networking skills, and passion for the environment t
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Panelists: Christopher Borick Professor and Director, Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion, Muhlenberg College Erick Lachapelle Départment de science politique, Université de Montréal Barry Rabe Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
Pablo Suarez is the Associate Director of Programs, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and a consultant to the Environment Finance Group, United Nations Development Programme. His work as researcher and consultant investigates the integration of climate information into decision making for reducing vulnerability, both at community level and through national and global policies.
A lecture by Roger Pielke, Jr., University of Colorado, BoulderThe world's response to climate change is deeply flawed. The conventional wisdom on how to deal with climate change has failed and it's time to change course. To date, climate policies have been guided by targets and timetables for emissions reduction derived from various academic exercises. Such methods are both oblivious to and in violation of on-the-ground political and technological realities that serve as practical 'boundary conditions' for effective policy making.
The world's response to climate change is deeply flawed. The conventional wisdom on how to deal with climate change has failed and it's time to change course. To date, climate policies have been guided by targets and timetables for emissions reduction derived from various academic exercises. Such methods are both oblivious to and in violation of on-the-ground political and technological realities that serve as practical 'boundary conditions' for effective policy making. Until climate policies are designed with respect for these boundary conditions, failure is certain.
Emissions trading policies initially relied on 'squatter's rights' principles granting emissions allowances to existing polluters for free. Recently, however, policy designers have largely abandoned this approach, requiring polluters to buy allowances from the public through auctions. Given the high financial stakes, this is a momentous shift. Given how skeptical experts and decision makers have been of the political viability of allowance auctions, and the opposition of powerful economic interests, it is also a remarkable political development.
U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel is a Distinguished Professor at Georgetown University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He is Chairman of the Atlantic Council and a Member of the Secretary of Defense's Defense Policy Board.
Dallas BurtrawDallas Burtraw is Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research - rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental, energy, and natural resource issues.
Naomi OreskesProfessor of History and Science Studies at the University of California, San Diego Co-Sponsored by the University of Michigan Science, Technology & Society Program and School of Natural Resources and Environment 4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
A one day conference with beginning and ending keynotes, and two intermediate panel discussions. On-line registration will commence in early September. Go to the Erb Institute web page for more information. Co-sponsors: The Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, The Association of Religious Counselors, The Program in the Environment, Center for Faith & Scholarship, Lord of Light - Lutheran Campus Ministries, and Religious Trust Fund.