STPP 2009 Winter Lecture Series Tania SimoncelliScience Advisor, American Civil Liberties Union Commentator: Eve Brensike Primus, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School Co-Sponsored by the University of Michigan Life Sciences and Society Program 4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
STPP 2009 Winter Lecture Series Jennifer SassSenior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council Commentary by :Mark Banaszak Holl, Professor of Chemistry & Macromolecular Science & Engineering Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine & Biological SciencesUniversity of Michigan Co-Sponsored by the University of Michigan Risk Science Center 4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.