This lecture will explore the relationship of public policy to the impact of social trauma in communities of color in the urban context. It will discuss how oppressive social conditions and militarized and masculinized public institutions foster and may be responsible for racialized and gendered injuries in the public sphere.
The International Policy Center presents a conversation between Heidi Grunebaum and Yazier Henry on the politics, philosophy, and morality of guilt, denial, complicity and responsibility in the context of South Africa since the official ending of De Jure.
The IPC is honored to convene this panel of intellectuals, human rights professionals and policy experts. Panelists have in depth experience with the conflicts, negotiations and political settlements in Colombia, South Africa, Guatemala and Nigeria.
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series
Yazier Henry, Director, Direct Action Centre for Peace and Memory, Capetown, South Africa; Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Yazier Henry is a former anti-Apartheid activist who, as a teenager, became an officer in Umkhonto We Sizwe, the military wing of the African National Congress. He is a poet, writer, and peace activist.