State & Hill
You have to have a reputation for total integrity. You have to have a reputation for hard work, discipline. You have to have a capability of getting good people to work with you.
President Gerald R. Ford in an interview with former Dean Rebecca Blank on the fundamentals that Ford School students need for success in public service, May 2004.
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“In the 1960s President Kennedy inspired us to view public service as an important and honorable profession, even a calling. A couple of years ago, I decided to ‘pay it forward’ by including the Ford School in my estate plan. I want to help encourage and educate students from underrepresented groups to take on leadership positions in government.”
—Ann Branston (MPP ‘71)
Read more from alumni and donors about why they're including the Ford School in their estate plans.
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Thanks to members of the Ford School community who shared their masked photos for the cover of this issue and our related communications.