In the Media | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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In the Media

Showing 751 - 780 of 1351 results
In the Media

Catherine Hausman comments on electrical grid changes in California

Jan 18, 2021 The San Francisco Chronicle
As California begins its transition to a battery powered electrical grid, Catherine Hausman comments that "these large-scale batteries can bring a real boost to grid reliability, and they can support zero-carbon electricity's integration into the...
In the Media

Lead pipe replacement needs consistent funding, says Leiser

Jan 15, 2021 Bridge
An article in Bridge magazine about funding for replacing lead pipes notes that,  "Often, the communities with the biggest backlog of upgrades and fixes are the least-equipped financially to pay for them. As a result, they must raise rates. That...
In the Media

Lewis co-chairs task force to examine campus public safety procedures

Jan 15, 2021 MLive
MLive reports, "A 20-person University of Michigan task force will examine what’s working and what improvements need to be made with the university’s Division of Public Safety and Security. The "Advancing Public Safety at the University of Michigan...
In the Media

For Hanson, potential presidential self-pardon raises serious questions

Jan 14, 2021 Folha de S. Paulo
Hanson told Folha de S. Paulo, Brazil's largest newspaper, that any self-pardon would be controversial and probably end up in front of the Supreme Court. The court has a majority of conservative judges – three of whom are appointed by Trump. “From...
In the Media

Watkins-Hayes addresses COVID-19 vaccine reluctance

Jan 12, 2021 Detroit Free Press
Watkins-Hayes commented in an article in the Detroit Free Press about reluctance in the Black community in Detroit to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. "These racial and class differences are both disconcerting and yet completely understandable and...
In the Media

Stevenson comments on recession's "triple punch" for women

Jan 12, 2021 CNN
Stevenson tells CNN the impact of the pandemic is a triple punch for women. "They're just disproportionately likely to hold the kinds of jobs we needed to send people home from," said Stevenson. "Women do a lot of caring jobs, in-person jobs....
In the Media

Capitol Police riot response requires scrutiny, says Hanson

Jan 10, 2021 MLive
Hanson, a former congressional legislative assistant, told MLive, “What I’m surprised about is how easy it was for them to break into the Capitol and sort of rampage around in offices on the Senate floor.” “I was taken aback how ill-prepared the...
In the Media

Bednar says Trump punishment necessary to affirm the Constitution

Jan 10, 2021 The National Interest
Speaking to The National Interest, Bednar said, “Our laws and the Constitution itself depend on a belief that those who violate them will be punished. Many lawmakers have condemned the president’s role in inciting the attack on the Capitol. If they...
In the Media

Ivacko on voter education and voter ID laws

Jan 7, 2021 Bridge Detroit
"There are a lot of complicated laws governing elections and they can be confusing both to voters and to poll workers," according to Tom Ivacko. “Some of the recent changes have added to the complexity and the need for voters to really do their...
In the Media

Shaefer shares food insecurity insights on the Food First podcast

Jan 5, 2021 Food First podcast
Shaefer: "A number of years ago work requirements were reimposed on food stamps for adults without dependents....We looked at the research nationally and locally....when you add work requirements, there is very little evidence there it has any...
In the Media

Wolfers: New stimulus is just the first half of the bridge

Jan 5, 2021 NPR
Wolfers: "This is a bill that's going to provide extra support for the unemployed, who really are among the most needy right now, all the way through till the middle of March, when we know the vaccine's not really going to be widely available until...
In the Media

Ivacko makes 2021 political predictions for Michigan

Jan 5, 2021 Hour Detroit
Ivacko joins other political experts to answer eight burning questions in Michigan politics. Will Mike Duggan be reelected?  What will become of twice-failed candidate John James? Who will benefit from congressional redistricting? And more. On...
In the Media

Rabe on Trump's push for midnight regulation

Jan 5, 2021 The Detroit News via The Omaha World-Herald
"This would not be the first administration to do it, but the sheer range of things that they are trying to finish off or nail down is really pretty stunning," said Barry Rabe.  Read the full Detroit News article via The Omaha...
In the Media

Parthasarathy ponders cell "ownership"

Jan 5, 2021 NPR Planet Money
Ford School professor Shobita Parthasarathy believes that as a matter of public policy, people should have more control over what researchers can do with their cells. In a recent segment on NPR's Planet Money, she noted that you can find human...
In the Media

UK-EU trade deal will slow auto trade - Deardorff

Dec 29, 2020 Detroit News
"If nothing else, it will slow down the trade," Deardorff tells the Detroit News. "It's going to take longer for everything to move across the border."  You can read the article...
In the Media

Rabe and Raimi review 2020 energy and environmental policy

Dec 29, 2020 Resources Radio
Barry Rabe joined Daniel Raimi on his Resources Radio podcast to review the most important energy and environmental policy developments of 2020. Rabe's take: "We can say that 2020 shows that climate change is visible. It's drawing more people in...
In the Media

Ali calls for the split of NSA and Cybercom

Dec 24, 2020 Defense One
In an essay in Defense One, Javed Ali and co-author Adam Maruyama argue that the next step in improving the U.S. national focus on cybersecurity should be acting on a long-debated proposal to split the job of leading the NSA and Cybercom.  "From...
In the Media

Splitting NSA and Cybercom makes sense, even in a crisis, says Ali

Dec 21, 2020
Javed Ali tells the Washington Post that the fact that the government is grappling with a major series of cyber intrusions should not be an impediment to splitting the NSA and Cybercom. “Splitting the responsibilities allows NSA to assume the role...
In the Media

Ali calls for increased sanctions to prevent aggressive cyber-attacks

Dec 18, 2020 Mother Jones
If the hacks can be tied back to Moscow, they are just the latest in a string of significant and aggressive cyber operations perpetrated by elements of the Russian government against local, state, and federal governments and corporate entities. “We...
In the Media

Ali says cyber-attacks show US vulnerabilities

Dec 17, 2020 ABC News
"It raises serious questions about the level of US defensive measures against cyber-attacks, as the vulnerabilities exploited in this latest attack crossed over into both private industry cyber tools and federal ones--neither of which were able to...
In the Media

Granholm appointment an embrace of green-economy advocate, says Rabe

Dec 16, 2020 Bridge Michigan
Rabe and other political and industry experts told Bridge Michigan that Granholm’s appointment is both a strategic nod to Rust Belt states whose industries will have to shift dramatically to achieve Biden’s climate agenda, and an embrace of an early...
In the Media

Dynarski: The student loan system has layers and layers of dysfunction

Dec 15, 2020 NPR Marketplace
"The key problem is in default and repayment problems," said Dynarski. "In terms of a macro-level, is this a big drag on the economy? I don't think so. In terms of a micro-level, are there people who's lives are ruined by fairly small amounts of...
In the Media

"Women in Economics" podcast features Stevenson

Dec 11, 2020 Women in Economics
“I didn’t see #MeToo coming, but it came, and it’s taking a while still to come for economics, but it is,” says Stevenson. She talks about her research on women’s labor market experiences and how her teaching style has changed in 2020 in the "Women...