The Atlantic | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

The Atlantic

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results
In the Media

Pilkauskas quoted on affluence and family cohesion

May 11, 2022 The Atlantic
An article in The Atlantic examines how affluence affects where older children live in relation to their parents.  Ford School associate professor Natasha Pilkaukas is cited, noting that that the rate of multigenerational living is considerably...
In the Media

Josh Hausman explains how COVID has broken the economy

Dec 10, 2021 The Atlantic
With his opinion article in The Atlantic, Josh Hausman, associate professor of public policy and economics, suggests high inflation rates may last for years. He describes the reasons behind inflation—including a consumer shift from services to...

Shaefer lauds the potential impact of the child tax credit

May 14, 2021
"The expanded, fully refundable child tax credit sounds complicated, but the ideas behind it are simple, and its design has been tested in many other countries. It’s based on the principles that children deserve the opportunity to thrive, and that...

Page reflects on representing America abroad

Sep 1, 2020
Ford School professor of practice Ambassador Susan Page served in the Foreign Service in Kenya, Botswana, and Rwanda, and was the first U.S. ambassador to South Sudan. In a recent article in The Atlantic, she reflected that her long career abroad...

Ford School economists comment on Federal response to COVID-19

Mar 27, 2020
A historic $2 trillion relief package has just been approved by Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and subsequent economic crisis. Professors Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers have weighed in on the relief package and the economic...

The Atlantic cites Jacob's teacher tenure study

Jun 12, 2014
As a California judge rules that the state's teacher tenure system is disproportionately harmful to children from low-income families, Dana Goldstein explores the origins and impacts of the state's teacher tenure system—both positive and negative—in...