Barry Rabe | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Barry Rabe

Showing 391 - 420 of 524 results

Carbon tax might work, if revenue funds renewables

Jul 23, 2014
A July 21 report released by Barry Rabe, director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), and collaborators at the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, "Public Views on a Carbon Tax Depend on the Proposed Use of...

Local opposition to fracking gains momentum in Colorado

Jul 18, 2014
Municipal control over energy policy could make hydraulic fracturing a risky investment in Colorado, Ford School professor Barry Rabe tells the Christian Science Monitor in a July 17 article by Jared Gilmour, titled "In US energy boom, who decides...

New interstate pipeline proposed near old pipeline-rupture site

Jul 2, 2014
"The wild grass is only now beginning to hide the scar left by the giant ditch digger that gouged a trench though Ron Kardos' Oceola Township, Mich., pasture last year for an oil pipeline - but already Kardos is preparing for another onslaught of...

One in three say no solid evidence of global warming

Jun 11, 2014
By Greta GuestWhile a majority of Americans still believe that global warming is occurring, the cold and snowy winter of 2014 created more disbelievers, according to a newly released survey by the National Surveys on Energy and Environment. The...

Rabe cited in Forbes on EPA greenhouse gas rules

Jun 3, 2014
Ford School Professor Barry Rabe was cited in Howard Gleckman's June 2 Forbes article "Could EPA's New Greenhouse Gas Rule Open the Door to a New State-based Gas Tax?" "The proposed EPA rules, which Brookings senior fellow Barry Rabe describes as...