Barry Rabe | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Barry Rabe

Showing 61 - 90 of 524 results
State & Hill

Discourse: Ford School faculty in the news, spring 2022

May 31, 2022
“(Putin) has already violated every international treaty, including the U.N. charter, by invading. This has international implications, not just European implications. Now, the question of what we do and how we do it, with regards to sanctions or...
State & Hill

Faculty News, spring 2022

May 31, 2022
Arun Agrawal was selected as co-chair on the Intergovernmental Transformative Change Assessment, sponsored by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Javed Ali provided his expertise on national security to numerous...
In the Media

Rabe says some environmental legislation still possible

May 11, 2022 Los Angeles Times
Though President Biden's ambitious Build Back Better plan has stalled in Congress, some elements of his environmental agenda could still pass before the midterm elections in November.   Ford School professor Barry Rabe told the Los Angeles Times...

Rabe on states' rights and politics

Apr 26, 2022
During the Trump administration, blue states found comfort in federalism and states' rights, using the system to fight against federal environmental policies. Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, further discussed...
In the Media

Rabe discusses climate policy and 2022 midterms

Apr 21, 2022 The Skimm
With midterms approaching, the future of climate policy is up in the air. Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, provided some insight on what might happen before then. “What happens between now and November in...

Rabe proposes North American collaboration on methane policy

Apr 16, 2022
North American countries have struggled for decades to come together to fight climate change. In a recent article titled "A possible North American path forward on short-lived climate pollutants," Professor Barry Rabe proposes a solution to one...

Rabe discusses current state of climate action

Apr 13, 2022
On the campaign trail, President Biden promised climate action. But, a few bumps in the road have delayed that action. Specifically, the Build Back Better bill, which includes provisions for action on climate policy, has been stalled. Barry Rabe, J....
In the Media

Rabe comments on shift in methane policy

Mar 23, 2022 New Security Beat
A global shift in opinion about implementing effective methane policy is a surprising development for Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, as he recently discussed in a presentation about short-lived climate...

Rabe talks carbon pricing on 'In Over My Head'

Mar 20, 2022 In Over My Head
Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, recently appeared on the podcast In Over My Head to discuss the intricacies of carbon pricing.  "The idea of carbon ... was developed principally in the discipline of...

Rabe provides three lessons from successful HFC regulations

Mar 17, 2022
Regulation of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), “an ultra-potent class of greenhouse chemicals widely used in refrigeration,” has seen bipartisan success in Congress and internationally. Could the framework it laid out be used to regulate other greenhouse...
In the Media

Rabe discusses implications of oil and gas flaring

Feb 27, 2022 Inside Climate News
Rather than flaring natural gas, oil and gas companies could reuse and sell the byproduct. But, as Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, points out, loose regulations result in this extra pollution. “Reporting on...

Russia-Ukraine: Ford School experts can discuss

Feb 24, 2022
Ford School experts can discuss Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine and its implications on global politics, economics and the human scale. John Ciorciari is an associate professor of public policy and director of the Ford School of Public...
In the Media

Rabe addresses Russian invasion and policy impacts

Feb 23, 2022 E&E News
How will American sanctions on Russia impact Americans? While that question is still unanswered, Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, discussed the policy impacts the situation may have.  “It does raise the...
In the Media

Rabe urges Dems to flaunt their success

Feb 18, 2022 E&E News
With the 2022 midterm elections approaching, Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, advised Democrats to take advantage of their successful legislative action. "It’s almost a political no-brainer to show what...
In the Media

Rabe on midterms and climate policy

Feb 4, 2022 E&E News
With midterms approaching, people are wondering if climate action will impact the elections. Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, explained how Democrats might face issues at the polls due to the failure of the...
In the Media

Rabe points out possibilities for bipartisanship on climate bill

Jan 20, 2022 The New York Times
Many congressional Democrats are calling for a vote on the climate portion of the Build Back Better bill, citing the urgency of the climate crisis. Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy and Arthur Thurnau Professor of...
In the Media

Can states make individual climate progress? Rabe weighs in

Jan 14, 2022 U.S. News
Many U.S. states taking action to curb climate change. Barry Rabe comments to U.S. News on how much progress they can make individually. “You have kind of a half a loaf,” says Barry Rabe.  “And it's no secret that a good many of those climate...

Rabe says carbon pricing can be achieved

Jan 13, 2022
Ford School professor Barry Rabe said the functioning of the U.S. political system has not been able to handle real action on climate change. He called for a broader look at how political scientists and economists could find linkages that could help...
State & Hill

Faculty News, fall 2021

Dec 13, 2021
The U-M Institute for Clinical & Health Research recognized John Ayanian with a 2020 Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award. Joshua Basseches received a grant from the Climate Social Science Network to continue working on...
In the Media

Rabe comments on Democratic strategy to pass climate policy

Dec 6, 2021 E&E News
The Democrats are relying on messaging that includes extreme weather events to pass the climate portion of their social spending package. "It fits the more classic model of environmental policy adoption in the U.S., where usually, we would expect...
In the Media

Rabe weighs in on proposed tax credit for union-made electric vehicles

Dec 2, 2021 The Washington Post
Barry Rabe spoke to The Washington Post on the international trade consequences of a key climate provision in the Democrats’ $2 trillion social spending bill that would see tax credits for union-made electric vehicles.   Commenting on concerns...
In the Media

Rabe addresses impact of methane in climate change

Nov 23, 2021 CGTN
Following the climate talks in Scotland, Barry Rabe, J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, emphasized the impact that focusing on methane could have in the fight against climate change. "Carbon lasts much longer, but an...

Rabe reflects on progress at COP26 and Line 5 in Michigan

Nov 19, 2021
Following the conclusion of COP26, Barry Rabe reflected on the outcomes of the summit in Glasgow. “This is the 26th time that this conference of parties and processes has worked. Each time there is lots of drama, high expectations, and usually in...

The infrastructure bill: U-M Ford school experts can discuss

Nov 15, 2021
After months of haggling and horse-trading, Congress has passed—and President Joe Biden is poised to sign—a more than $1 trillion infrastructure bill. The law will usher in long-sought investment in roads, rail, bridges, broadband, the power grid...