CNN | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 31 - 48 of 48 results
In the Media

Stevenson discusses inflation and demand

Feb 13, 2022 CNN Politics
With inflation rising as the economy bounces back from the COVID-19 recession, the automobile industry is one area that has struggled due to labor and supply shortages. "The people screaming for Biden to do something do not want the Fed to raise...
In the Media

Cooney highlights impact of expired Child Tax Credit

Feb 1, 2022 CNN
With COVID-19 still affecting the economy and people's finances, experts have seen food hardship increase across the country recently, rising faster in households without children. Patrick Cooney, assistant director of the Detroit Partnership on...
In the Media

Page discusses situation in Sudan

Jan 19, 2022 CNN One World
Sudanese civilians continue to protest the military coup, calling for democratic and free elections. Susan Page, professor of practice, weighed in on the situation. "The military and security forces have no shame. They continue to use live...
In the Media

Wolfers argues Build Back Better is not inflationary

Dec 23, 2021 CNN
When West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) announced he could not support the Biden administration's Build Back Better plan, one of the reasons he cited was the inflationary effect an injection of $2 trillion could have on the economy. Ford School...

Stevenson on Build Back Better, inflation, and unemployment

Nov 28, 2021
Betsey Stevenson countered arguments against President Biden’s Build Back Better legislation as the bill passed the House and moved into the Senate. “There is just absolute historic investment in childcare that is really going to benefit so many...

Stevenson reflects on the repercussions of COVID-19

Nov 4, 2021
Betsy Stevenson observed key economic indicators and the continuing effects of COVID-19 this week.  At Wednesday’s CNBC Workforce Executive Council Summit, she said, “People seem to be fed up and leaving work...There are a lot of different things...

Pilkauskas evaluates ways to strengthen the Child Tax Credit

Oct 19, 2021
New Research from Natasha Pilkauskas and Poverty Solutions studied the reach of the Child Tax Credit. Pilkauskas explained to Yahoo! Money that some families might not receive the benefits that they are eligible for, specifically Spanish-speaking...
In the Media

Stevenson explains 'double-whammy' for low-income households

Jul 6, 2021 CNN Business
Lower-income students are already more likely to be behind in school than their higher-income peers, but the COVID-19 pandemic worsened that gap. Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, explained how the pandemic hit lower-income...
In the Media

Wolfers debunks labor shortage with Don Lemon

Jun 22, 2021 CNN's Don Lemon Tonight
Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, sat down on CNN's Don Lemon Tonight to discuss the labor shortage that most believe the U.S. is currently experiencing. Wolfers had a different opinion. "I want to be careful about calling...
In the Media

Stevenson highlights 'returnships' for mothers

Jun 1, 2021 CNN Business
The pandemic has forced many working mothers to leave the workforce and instead care for their children at home. The issue as the world opens back up: how can those women return to the workforce. "Returnships", or programs that offer training,...

Ali on white nationalist violence and the Capitol siege

Feb 11, 2021
As the nation watched the prosecution in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump lay out a timeline for the causes and actual insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, Ford School Towsley Policymaker-in-Residence Javed Ali has been commenting on many...
In the Media

Stevenson comments on recession's "triple punch" for women

Jan 12, 2021 CNN
Stevenson tells CNN the impact of the pandemic is a triple punch for women. "They're just disproportionately likely to hold the kinds of jobs we needed to send people home from," said Stevenson. "Women do a lot of caring jobs, in-person jobs....
In the Media

Questioning election validity makes the U.S. vulnerable, says Ali

Nov 17, 2020 CNN
"It's one thing to try to prevent foreign adversaries from engaging in disinformation and misinformation campaigns to influence the elections," Ali said. "When you have the President and his advisers pushing those messages literally from inside the...

Deardorff fact-checks President Trump on USMCA trade deal

Jun 22, 2020
A June 19 CNN story looked at recent public statements made by President Trump regarding the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement known as USMCA, among other issues. Ford School economics professor Alan Deardorff commented on Trump’s claim that “USMCA is...