Susan Dynarski is quoted in James S. Murphy’s January 10 piece for The Atlantic entitled: “The gaps in New York’s free-college plan.” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently unveiled a plan, called the Excelsior Scholarship Program, that would cover...
“Tax benefits for college attendance," a paper by Susan Dynarski and Judith Scott-Clayton, appears in the March 2016 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper series. ABSTRACTNational efforts to promote college enrollment are...
Free and open to the public. About the Presentation: Improving students' access to information about college attendance and affordability is a simple, inexpensive intervention which has received much attention in policy circles. The hope is that providing accurate information to potential college students may dramatically improve their ability to calibrate the costs and benefits of college. Many have argued that providing information early in their high school years might build more expectations about college attendance.