cybersecurity | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 1 - 30 of 46 results

Yurtayeva calls for action against Russian cyber attacks

Dec 12, 2023
Russia is using “cyberaggression” as an essential element in its invasion of Ukraine. Cyber attacks have been targeted at critical infrastructure, at Ukrainian government agencies, and have been used to disseminate disinformation about the war...
In the Media

Ali calls for U.S. to build stronger cybersecurity strategy

Oct 27, 2022 The Cipher Brief
Javed Ali, The Cipher Brief: "Going forward, the White House must balance the demands of getting full buy-in from a diverse range of government and industry partners on something as important as a new strategy, while acknowledging that the velocity,...
In the Media

Ali advises on how to react to a data breach

Oct 16, 2022 Governing
Javed Ali, Governing: "You may want to protect, or not completely reveal, either the attack method or even how the attack was detected. Knowing the sources and methods can give adversaries insight and...

Ford School experts weigh in on Russian invasion of Ukraine

Feb 25, 2022
As the Russian military surrounded and began its assault on Ukraine, Melvyn Levitsky, professor of international policy and practice, and Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, lent their expertise to numerous media outlets to break down the...
In the Media

Ali on threats against educators

Nov 16, 2021 The Wall Street Journal
A recent FBI internal memo instructed heads of the agency’s criminal and counterterrorism divisions to flag all assessments and investigations into potentially criminal threats, harassment and intimidation of educators with a “threat tag."  "It’s...

Ali on rising security issues at home and abroad

Nov 11, 2021
On election security as a national security issue Javed Ali and a bipartisan group of former national security officials recently co-signed a letter urging Congress to take more action against the security threat of election...

Ali comments on Russian cyberattack

Oct 27, 2021
Javed Ali explained what happened in the most recent Russian cyberattack. "What Microsoft disclosed at a threat conference over the weekend is that the Russian security service, known as the FDR, which has been responsible for launching a series...

Green takes a look at tech ethics

Jun 15, 2021
Technology companies have been at the center of many public controversies recently—from hacking threats and data security to fake news and manipulating algorithms. Do the ethics of technological advancement—"tech ethics"—have any influence on the...

Ali pushes for 'transparent revolution in cybersecurity'

Jun 13, 2021
Criminals are getting more sophisticated in their use of technology: in the past year, cyberattacks have increased 300%. Javed Ali,  incoming associate professor of practice, provided some insight on these attacks.  "Unfortunately, even though...

Ali comments on Russian cyberattacks

Jun 6, 2021
Russia continues to launch cyberattacks against the U.S., and Javed Ali says it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon. "Russia does not yet seem to be deterred from launching a whole slew of operations against the United States," Ali...
In the Media

Ali calls for increased sanctions to prevent aggressive cyber-attacks

Dec 18, 2020 Mother Jones
If the hacks can be tied back to Moscow, they are just the latest in a string of significant and aggressive cyber operations perpetrated by elements of the Russian government against local, state, and federal governments and corporate entities. “We...
In the Media

Ali says cyber-attacks show US vulnerabilities

Dec 17, 2020 ABC News
"It raises serious questions about the level of US defensive measures against cyber-attacks, as the vulnerabilities exploited in this latest attack crossed over into both private industry cyber tools and federal ones--neither of which were able to...
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series, Policy Talks @ the Ford School, STPP Lecture Series

Cybersecurity: Threats, policy, and responses

Sep 30, 2020, 4:00-5:00 pm EDT
In this conversation, Paul Abbate, Associate Deputy Director of the FBI, and David Levy, Vice President of Amazon Web Services, will discuss some of the challenges in addressing current cybersecurity threats, formulating policy, and calibrating responses.