Debra Horner | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Debra Horner

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Debra Horner

Project Manager
Debra Horner is on staff with the Ford School's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) where she is a project manager on the Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) program. She has been a regular lecturer in U-M's Political Science…
State & Hill

Discourse: Fordies in the news, fall 2023

Dec 12, 2023
“Rather than a single terrorist attack, this was a complex operation that involved commando teams and rocket attacks against multiple targets. The fact that Israel appears to have lacked advance warning is surprising, given Israel’s excellence in...
In the Media

Horner analyzes use of social media by local governments

Apr 9, 2023 Daily Telegram
Debra Horner, The Daily Telegram: "Back in 2012, only about 18 percent of local officials told us their governments used social media (including 48 percent of jurisdictions with more than 30,000 residents). In 2021, that was up to 29 percent...
In the Media

Michigan Radio amplifies CLOSUP report on recycling

May 2, 2022 Michigan Radio
A recent CLOSUP report shows growing enthuiasm for and access to recycling services among Michigan's local governments. Michigan Radio interviewed Debra Horner, one of the report's authors, about the findings: "It’s not so much that there’s a...