Edward Gramlich | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Edward Gramlich

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 results

13th Annual Gramlich Showcase moves online

Apr 15, 2020
Each spring since 2008, Ford School faculty and staff nominate dozens of outstanding student research and service projects for recognition at the Gramlich Showcase of Student Work. The event honors longtime U-M professor Edward (Ned) Gramlich, who...
State & Hill

A man of enormous integrity: How the Ford School got its name

Nov 14, 2019
In December 1977, at the annual party of the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS), a young graduate student named James McIntire (MPP ’78) found himself chatting with the Institute’s director, the political scientist Jack L. Walker, Jr. Out...

Towsley courses offer unique learning experience

Mar 28, 2019
The Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence Program, established in 2002, pops the academic bubble in its promotion of student, faculty, and policymaker exchange by bringing individuals with significant national and...

The Ford School honors Congressman John Dingell

Feb 7, 2019
The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan is deeply saddened by the passing of Congressman John Dingell, an icon who represented southeast Michigan in the United States Congress for nearly sixty years.Dingell and his...

Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research

May 23, 2014
Edward M. (Ned) Gramlich was among the most productive policy economists of his day–a day stretching from the mid-1960s until his death in 2007. In addition to producing academic (often practical) work relevant to dozens of policy issues, he was an...

Ford School 100

Jan 28, 2014
The Ford School's centennial year is underway! To kick off the celebrations, we sent 2014 calendars to thousands of alumni and friends. (Didn't get yours? Please email erinren[at]umich.edu for a copy.)In 1913, Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the...

Ford School mourns loss of Ned Gramlich

Sep 5, 2007
Long-time Ford School faculty member Ned Gramlich died September 5, 2007 after a long battle with leukemia.Ned joined the faculty of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan in 1976. He taught macroeconomic policy and benefit-cost...

U-M's Gramlich named interim provost

Aug 3, 2005
Contact: Linda Packo, (734) 764-8593, lklee[at]umich.eduFrom the Michigan Record, 7/25/05.By Kim BroekhuizenOffice of the Vice President for CommunicationsU-M Professor Edward M. Gramlich, a Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, has been selected...

Gramlich returns to Ford School of Public Policy

May 18, 2005
Contact: Linda Packo, (734) 764-8593, lklee@umich.eduANN ARBOR, Mich.--- Edward M. Gramlich, who announced today that he's leaving his post as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board effective Aug. 31, will return to the University of...

Head Start Turns 40: Historical Perspectives and Recent Research

Feb 6, 2006, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Ford School of Public Policy
Ronna Cook, Associate Director of the Human Services Research Group, Westat, Inc. and Maris Vinovskis, A. M. and H. P. Bentley Professor of History and Professor of Public Policy, University of Michigan, moderated by Edward Gramlich, Interim Provost, University of Michigan; Richard A. Musgrave Professor at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. The program is sponsored by National Poverty Center and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Ford School

Debating Social Security Reform

Sep 29, 2005, 3:30-4:30 pm EDT
University of Michigan
As the Debate on Social Security reform goes forward the focus on private accounts remains at its forefront. We invite you to join the discussion with: Keynote Speaker: Edward Gramlich Edward Gramlich is the Interim Provost at U-M and the Richard A. Musgrave Professor at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Ford School