energy and environmental policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

energy and environmental policy

Showing 91 - 120 of 138 results
In the Media

Rabe: Kerry needs strong U.S. environmental action to be successful

Apr 22, 2021 LaCroix
“For John Kerry to do his job well, the United States needs to be exemplary at home from an environmental perspective. However, this will not be easy because there is resistance to Joe Biden's climate ambitions, particularly in states, such as...

Rein in or win over utility monopolies, says Basseches

Mar 2, 2021 Grist
Postdoctoral fellow Josh Basseches researches the power of investor-owned utilities on state climate policy. His opinion appeared in Grist. Now that we’ve had a couple weeks to process all that went wrong in Texas, people are paying more...
In the Media

Catherine Hausman comments on electrical grid changes in California

Jan 18, 2021 The San Francisco Chronicle
As California begins its transition to a battery powered electrical grid, Catherine Hausman comments that "these large-scale batteries can bring a real boost to grid reliability, and they can support zero-carbon electricity's integration into the...
In the Media

Granholm appointment an embrace of green-economy advocate, says Rabe

Dec 16, 2020 Bridge Michigan
Rabe and other political and industry experts told Bridge Michigan that Granholm’s appointment is both a strategic nod to Rust Belt states whose industries will have to shift dramatically to achieve Biden’s climate agenda, and an embrace of an early...
In the Media

Rabe on federal incentives for state-level climate, clean energy action

Dec 10, 2020 Environment & Energy News
"States are absolutely desperate for revenue and have deep concerns about their ability to sustain themselves. There are growing questions of how states are going to reinvent themselves," Rabe said. "Every state is going to be coming to Washington...
In the Media

Rabe: Investment in coal not part of American, global energy future

Dec 5, 2020 Casper Star Tribune
“There are going to be energy bills linked to that stimulus bill,” Rabe said. “And every state is going to be looking for the most advantageous terms. It’s really questionable that coal is going to be center stage in any kind of major stimulus...
In the Media

Rabe: Substantive environmental changes will take years to implement

Nov 17, 2020 Grist
“You read descriptions of the process and it sounds like flipping a switch [between presidential administrations],” said Rabe. “But the quick things tend to be somewhat superficial. The deeper and more significant the action, the more likely you are...
In the Media

Rabe: Fragile coalition of support exists for climate action

Nov 9, 2020 Vox
“I think Biden can assume that he would have some industry support to work with. This would require really careful political work to hold that supportive coalition together,” Rabe said. Read the full Vox article about Joe Biden's plans to fight...
In the Media

Rabe comments on potential green economic stimulus package

Nov 2, 2020 Scientific American
“When reasonable people sit down to decide what is in a green-stimulus spending bill, a one-time shot, that opens the sluice gates to every possible way you might define green energy or transition energy beyond production tax credits for wind or...
In the Media

Rabe runs election scenarios and impact on climate action

Oct 30, 2020 EnviroLink
If Trump wins: “In a second Trump administration, we are likely to see executive action that is even bolder, even more aggressive, and probably doing everything imaginable to pump up oil and gas production as a strategy for economic recovery,” said...
In the Media

Rabe: Trump re-election would further marginalize EPA staff

Oct 21, 2020 Inside EPA
It would be an “opportunity [for the Trump administration] to consolidate and finalize” deregulatory rules and interpretations now pending at EPA or in the courts, said Barry Rabe during an Oct. 15 Brookings Institution webinar on the election’s...
In the Media

Rabe on Biden's appeal to Michigan farmers

Oct 12, 2020 Business Insider
“Climate is a really hard thing to explain, especially when you’re talking about localised impacts," said Rabe. "It’s one thing to talk about wildfires or hurricanes, but hitting plants and agriculture is really significant.” Read the full...
In the Media

Rabe on the transition away from coal

Oct 2, 2020 Chicago Tribune
“I’m hard-pressed to think of any state or analyst upbeat about the future of coal,” said Rabe. “Increasingly, the discussion is about how we can navigate a just, humane transition.” Read the full Chicago Tribune article...
In the Media

Rabe says climate concerns matter in 2020 vote

Sep 22, 2020 Environment & Energy News
"In ways that we haven't seen before, the climate and environment issues never really go away. It keeps resurfacing in ways that are relatively unique to the last 20 years or so," Rabe told E&E News. Read the full Environment & Energy News...