faculty publications | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

faculty publications

Showing 151 - 180 of 243 results

Hampshire and colleagues connect bikesharing and ride-hailing

Nov 16, 2018
Qi Luo (University of Michigan), Xuechun Duo (Automotive Engineering), Xuan Di (Columbia University) and Robert Hampshire assess “Multimodal Connections between Bikesharing and Ride-Hailing: An Emperical Study in New York City” in the proceedings of...

Yang examines hurricanes impact on migrant networks

Aug 31, 2017
A working paper by Parag Mahajan (University of Michigan) and Dean Yang in the National Bureau of Economic Research explores “Taken by Storm: Hurricanes, Migrant Networks, and U.S. Immigration” issued in August 2017.Abstract: How readily do...