faculty | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 31 - 60 of 538 results

Stevenson named to the National Academy of Social Insurance

Jan 12, 2022
Recognizing her outstanding contributions to social insurance and related policy areas, the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) has approved the election of Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics, to the Academy. She is...

Ford School faculty honored in 2021

Dec 16, 2021
Ford School faculty are experts in poverty and inequality, trade and economic development, health policy, energy policy, and more. In the past year they have been recognized for their outstanding scholarship, excellent teaching, and policy...
State & Hill

Discourse: Ford School faculty in the news

Dec 13, 2021
"College students can take out loans to pay for college, but it's absolutely impossible to take out a loan to pay for your own preschool. It's just not something a 3- or 4-year-old can do to manage their own education. So the idea that we have...

John Ayanian recieves 2020-21 MICHR mentoring award

Nov 2, 2021
The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) recognized John Ayanian for his remarkable dedication and contributions to the scientific research careers of their students, fellows, and trainees with the Distinguished Clinical and...

Jacob and Parthasarathy receive prestigious University awards

Oct 11, 2021
Brian Jacob and Shobita Parthasarathy have been recognized by the University of Michigan Provost for their scholarly contributions, teaching, and service to the University. They will be honored with other faculty members at a dinner and ceremony on...

Morela Hernandez named to Collegiate Chair

Sep 23, 2021
On September 23, the University of Michigan Board of Regents approved the appointment of Ford School professor Morela Hernandez as the newly established Ligia Ramirez de Reynolds Collegiate Professor of Public Policy for a five-year renewable term....

Second round of anti-racism faculty hiring proposals due Oct. 1

Sep 16, 2021
As the University of Michigan’s Anti-Racism Faculty Hiring Initiative moves forward, the Office of the Provost is inviting proposals for the second round of clusters of new tenure-track faculty whose scholarship focuses on structural racism and...

Welcome Charlotte Cavaille to the Ford School family!

Feb 4, 2019
The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy is excited to announce the addition of Charlotte Cavaille to the faculty as an assistant professor this coming fall. Cavaille is currently an assistant professor at the School of Foreign Service at...

From insight to impact: fall 2018 faculty news

Sep 4, 2018
Our top-notch associate leadership team remains in place, with Paula Lantz continuing on as associate dean for academic affairs, Elisabeth Gerber continuing as the school’s associate dean for research and policy engagement, and Ann Lin continuing to...

Research in Action

Jun 1, 2007
Introducing a new multimedia feature from the Ford School—short video clips presenting our faculty discussing their recent research and policy activities. Our faculty are an interdisciplinary group who take seriously the implications of their work...

Bob Stern Memorial event

Jun 29, 2015, 4:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom (1110)
All are welcome as we gather to acknowledge thepassing of emeritus professor Robert Stern and to commemorate his distinguished career.

Reunion schedule

Friday, October 4, 2019 All activities on Friday, October 4 are free to attend and will take place at Weill Hall, 735 S. State Street. Registration is required. Reunion registration closes on September 20 and some events have earlier registration...