isis | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Ali discusses recent developments with ISIS

Feb 3, 2022
Major developments in the fight against ISIS took place in the past week, and the Ford School's Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, whose area of expertise is national security. Early in the week, a 42-year-old American woman, Allison...

Ali examines the enduring threat domestic terrorism

Sep 8, 2021
In a opinion for the Atlantic Council, Javed Ali said the U.S. has not hit "the peak" of this wave yet, prompting higher security measures from the Biden administration. "The large number of current domestic terrorism investigations by the FBI...

Ali considers U.S.-Taliban relationship

Sep 1, 2021
Now that the United States is fully withdrawn from Afghanistan, what will counterterrorism in the region look like? Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, provided commentary to several outlets. "I would argue that ISIS-Khorasan has remained...
In the Media

Ali says ISIS-K should be taken very seriously

Aug 25, 2021 BBC World News
Javed Ali explains why ISIS-K is so dangerous on BBC World News. "Isis Khorasan, one could argue, remained the most active and viable branches of the broader ISIS family."...."As the attacks have shown over the past few years, (this group)...

Ali and Huber (MPP '20) warn of terror threat in CNN op-ed

Sep 11, 2019
 Marking the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, in a CNN opinion piece Towsley Policymaker in Residence Javed Ali and Ford School student Marcella Huber (MPP ‘20) call for the U.S. to take immediate steps to combat a specific looming terrorist...
State & Hill

Alumna combats violence against women with GenderHopes

Apr 22, 2013
Knowledge is power for combatting violence against women "So far, there aren't reliable statistics on domestic violence in Monaco," says Vibeke Brask Thomsen (MPP/MA '06), founder and director of GenderHopes. "It doesn't mean they don't exist, we...

Research on the ISIS frontline and with Al Qaeda Affiliates

Mar 9, 2017, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Weill Hall, 1120 (Annenberg Auditorium)
The International Policy Center hosts Scott Atran (University of Oxford/ CNRS, Paris/ University of Michigan) presents his field research from Europe, North Africa, and the frontlines in the battle with ISIS to make the case that the Devoted Actors' commitment to making costly sacrifices enables low-power groups to endure and often prevail against materially much stronger foes.
Ford School
Global Policy Perspectives

Understanding ISIS: Evolution, ideology, and implications

Oct 29, 2014, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
The International Institute and the International Policy Center host a panel discussion with foremost experts on the Middle East and the threat of ISIS.  
Ford School