John Ayanian | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

John Ayanian

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Faculty by courtesy

John Z. Ayanian

Alice B. Hamilton Distinguished University Professor of Medicine and Healthcare Policy; Director, Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
Dr. John Ayanian is the Alice Hamilton Distinguished University Professor of Medicine and Healthcare Policy, the Alice Hamilton Collegiate Professor of Medicine at the Medical School, and professor of health management and policy at the School of…

Ford school faculty available to weigh in on 2024 elections

Jan 28, 2024
The University of Michigan has published an experts guide to the 2024 elections. Ford School faculty are available to offer insights on relevant issues impacting the elections, including the following:  Economics Betsey Stevenson, professor of...
State & Hill

Faculty news, fall 2023

Dec 12, 2023
Axelrod's adventures Robert Axelrod, William D. Hamilton Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, writes about the difficulties and rewards of interdisciplinary collaboration in his new autobiography, A Passion for Cooperation: Adventures...
State & Hill

Faculty News, spring 2023

May 3, 2023
Dominique Adams-Santos, Celeste Watkins-Hayes, and PhD candidate Kayonne Christy contributed a chapter, "Narratives in Context: Locating Racism and Sexism in Black Women's Health Experiences," to The Routledge Companion to...

Ayanian: Michigan provides lessons for Medicaid expansion

Jul 24, 2022
More than a decade after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, states continue to wrestle with the implementation of one of its primary provisions: the expansion of state Medicaid. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, 38...
State & Hill

Faculty News, spring 2022

May 31, 2022
Arun Agrawal was selected as co-chair on the Intergovernmental Transformative Change Assessment, sponsored by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Javed Ali provided his expertise on national security to numerous...

Ford School faculty named among “Top 2% Scientists”

Jan 26, 2022
Stanford University named 16 Ford School faculty on their “Top 2% Scientists” list, representing the most-cited scientists with career and single-year impact in various disciplines. The faculty researchers join over 180,000 scientists...
State & Hill

Faculty News, fall 2021

Dec 13, 2021
The U-M Institute for Clinical & Health Research recognized John Ayanian with a 2020 Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award. Joshua Basseches received a grant from the Climate Social Science Network to continue working on...

John Ayanian recieves 2020-21 MICHR mentoring award

Nov 2, 2021
The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) recognized John Ayanian for his remarkable dedication and contributions to the scientific research careers of their students, fellows, and trainees with the Distinguished Clinical and...

Study finds even small Medicaid fees can cause high disenrollment

May 10, 2021
A new study co-authored by John Z. Ayanian, director of the U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI) and Ford School courtesy faculty, warns state and federal governments about implementing cost-sharing requirements for Medicaid...
State & Hill

Faculty News fall 2020

Dec 9, 2020
Javed Ali organized a panel for New America on domestic terrorism. His new podcast, The Burn Bag, produced with two Ford School alumni, A'ndre Gonawela (BA ‘19) and Ryan Rosenthal (BA ‘19), has featured U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan, General David...
State & Hill

Faculty News - Spring 2020 State & Hill

May 22, 2020
Javed Ali wrote or co-authored multiple op-eds published by The Hill. He also appeared as a frequent commentator on MSNBC. Topics ranged from U.S. national security to crises in the Middle East. John Ayanian, inaugural Director of U-M’s Institute...

Ford School faculty well represented at annual Awards Dinner

Oct 30, 2019
Five Ford School faculty are among the thirty-six University of Michigan faculty members who will be honored on October 30 at the annual Faculty Awards Dinner, which recognizes notable contributions in the areas of teaching, service and...
State & Hill

Discourse, Ford School faculty in the news

Dec 8, 2014
The New England Journal of Medicine published John Ayanian’s report on the first 100 days of the Healthy Michigan Plan, Michigan’s expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. The plan is a good blueprint for other Republican-governed states...