Justin Wolfers | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Justin Wolfers

Showing 61 - 90 of 229 results

Wolfers sees signs of optimism amid high inflation numbers

Jul 21, 2022
The latest inflation rate numbers show an increase in prices of 9.1%. Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers has been discussing the intricacies of elements and implications of that rate.   Reacting to the inflationary pressure, the...
State & Hill

Discourse: Ford School faculty in the news, spring 2022

May 31, 2022
“(Putin) has already violated every international treaty, including the U.N. charter, by invading. This has international implications, not just European implications. Now, the question of what we do and how we do it, with regards to sanctions or...
In the Media

Wolfers says recession worries are overstated

May 12, 2022 ABC Australia
The inflation rate in April in the U.S. was 8.3%, slightly down from the previous month. As the Fed addresses the issue, there is worry that stringent measures could cause a recession. Speaking to ABC Australia, Ford School professor Justin Wolfers...

Wolfers and Stevenson comment on jobs and inflation

May 6, 2022
Inflation has been as high as 8.5% in recent months, and despite other positive economic factors, CNN reports that President Joe Biden may be “close to the point of no return with Americans on the economy.” Ford School economics professor Justin...
In the Media

Wolfers notes ambiguity in current strength of the economy

Apr 29, 2022 Bloomberg
Bloomberg reports that the Covid-19 pandemic, now in its third year, has turned into a catalyst for lasting economic change, which will outlast the disease. Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers notes that on the one hand the economy has...
In the Media

Wolfers weighs in on Biden's approval ratings

Apr 16, 2022 Los Angeles Times
Despite low unemployment and rising wages, inflation is causing President Biden to struggle with low approval ratings. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed how he would frame the economy to raise approval...
In the Media

'Not a single indicator that a recession is coming' - Wolfers

Apr 13, 2022 Los Angeles Times
With inflation running high, yet unemployment low, President Biden's approval rating has sunk, signaling the economic anxiety of Americans. In light of this, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the economy and...

Stevenson and Wolfers discuss latest jobs report

Apr 4, 2022
The labor market is still booming, according to the latest jobs report. Justin Wolfers and Betsey Stevenson, both professors of public policy and economics, broke down what the jobs report means for Americans. "I do think it more likely that the...

Wolfers weighs in on war in Ukraine and inflation

Mar 14, 2022
Inflation continues to dominate headlines as Americans worry about rising prices everywhere from housing to the gas pump. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, provided some insight into the state of the economy. "There’s no...
In the Media

Wolfers warns against suspending the gas tax

Mar 6, 2022 The Economist
Gas prices have risen to record levels, and sanctions against Russia could force them higher. On Capitol Hill, suspending gas taxes has entered the conversation. But, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, warns against...
In the Media

Wolfers on job gains: Job market is "motoring"

Mar 4, 2022 MarketWatch
Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers reacted to the strong March jobs report. “Very very strong payrolls report: +678k jobs in February, with unemployment edging down to 3.8%. Add in solid positive revisions that added a total of +92k...
In the Media

Wolfers discusses accuracy of economic predictions

Feb 23, 2022 Marketplace
As technology improves, economists are handed more and more data to make predictions with. But, does it make those predictions better? “The evidence seems to be if we are, only a little bit," Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and...

Wolfers weighs in on inflation

Feb 16, 2022
Americans are becoming increasingly worried about inflation. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the Federal Reserve's current approach to intervening in the economy to address the issue. "The mechanism by which...
In the Media

Wolfers discusses state of the economy

Feb 8, 2022 WDET
Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, recently appeared on WDET to talk about the economy, inflation, and jobs.  "People are complaining about rising prices and inflation. That’s their concern right now. It’s not about jobs,"...
In the Media

Not all Americans included in economic recovery - Wolfers

Feb 6, 2022 Los Angeles Times
The latest jobs report reflects a strong, recovering economy. But, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, explained that not all Americans are feeling the effects of recovery.  "A lot of people, particularly older people, have...
In the Media

Wolfers discusses inflation panic and Fed response

Jan 17, 2022 CNN Business
As consumer prices rise, some Americans panic that inflation will continue unabated. With its new interet rate policy, some are wondering if the Federal Reserve made a  mistake. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, has faith in...
In the Media

Wolfers argues Build Back Better is not inflationary

Dec 23, 2021 CNN
When West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) announced he could not support the Biden administration's Build Back Better plan, one of the reasons he cited was the inflationary effect an injection of $2 trillion could have on the economy. Ford School...
In the Media

Stevenson and Wolfers on 'The Great Reallocation'

Dec 8, 2021 The New York Times
Writing in The New York Times, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers shared their views on what the future of work looks like in 2022—an economic upheaval they call "The Great Reallocation"—which just may lead to a more humane labor market. They...

Wolfers provides analysis on jobs, inflation

Dec 5, 2021
As the omicron variant spreads, the impact it will have on the fragile economic recovery remains uncertain. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, talked to numerous media outlets about economic recovery, the jobs report, and...

Wolfers breaks down jobs report in NYT op-ed

Dec 3, 2021
Following the release of the November jobs report, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, broke down what it means in an op-ed in The New York Times.  "This chill in employment might lead one to conclude the economy’s too cold,...
In the Media

Wolfers weighs in on gender imbalance on college campuses

Nov 29, 2021 The New York Times
Justin Wolfers penned an opinion piece for the New York Times, sharing his views on the striking gender imbalance on college campuses these days: roughly three women students for every two men.  “The simple mathematics of more women than men...
In the Media

Psaki mentions Wolfers in press briefing

Sep 29, 2021 The White House
In a recent press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki quoted Justin Wolfers, in regards to the Biden administration's recent vaccine and testing mandate for companies. "Viewing Biden’s vaccine mandate as simply economic policy, it’s...
In the Media

Vaccine mandate good for business, says Wolfers

Sep 17, 2021 NBC News
Some of America's top business executives met with President Biden on Wednesday to discuss the new vaccine and testing mandate for large businesses. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, explained why executive support for the...
In the Media

'The virus is the economy' - Wolfers

Sep 3, 2021 Fox Business News
After a few months of economic recovery, the delta variant is slowing down the economy yet again. "Today's dreadful jobs report - which basically put the recovery on ice for a while - is yet another reminder that the virus is the economy," Justin...