k-12 | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Mussadiq looks at northern Michigan school enrollment trends

Oct 19, 2022
Northern Michigan has continually seen a decline in school-aged children. But, during the pandemic, that trend became more prominent. Tareena Mussadiq, Institute of Education Sciences postdoctoral fellow with the Education Policy Initiative, broke...

Math games: High 5s program brings the 'math out of play'

Apr 11, 2022
TAYLOR—While groups of first graders work in clusters at pods around the classroom, four children face their teacher at a U-shaped desk, backs straight and eyes alert as she deals cards to each of them.  They're playing "Chocolate Chip Count," a...
In the Media

Jacob weighs in on chronic absenteeism

Feb 27, 2022 Chillicothe Gazette
Across the country, schools are struggling with chronic absenteeism. Brian Jacob, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy, weighed in on the issue. "Even before we figure out if we should improve the curriculum, at the basic level you...
In the Media

Jacob discusses chronic absenteeism fueled by pandemic

Feb 20, 2022 The Columbus Dispatch
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools across the nation are struggling with rising absenteeism rates. Brian Jacob, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy, weighed in on the issue.  "There was a once-in-a-century global public...

Our World Needs Pioneers

Nov 1, 2013
A single gift can make a difference, and gifts to the Ford School yield impressive returns.The Annenberg Professorship, established to honor the life and legacy of President Ford, enabled the Ford School to attract and retain Brian Jacob, a rising...

Education Policy Initiative launches new website

Jul 15, 2013
 The Education Policy Initiative (EPI) has launched a new website that now makes its applied policy research even more accessible to lawmakers, education practitioners, and other researchers. From the website, EPI disseminates information on current...
EPI Speaker Series

Developing a measure to assess racial equity-oriented social and emotional learning practices

Sep 14, 2023, 12:00-12:50 pm EDT
1230 Weill Hall
Despite the growing interest in social and emotional learning (SEL) implementation in K-12 settings, few measures exist to assess teachers’ SEL practices. In this talk, we describe the interactive mixed-method approach we took in developing the Racial Equity-oriented Social and Emotional Learning (REQSEL) practices measure.

The Role of the Private Sector in K-12 Public Education

Mar 18, 2008, 11:00 am-12:00 pm EDT
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Abstract: The challenges facing K-12 public education systems in Michigan and throughout the U.S. are formidable, and seem to grow more complex by the day. Issues related to globalization, federal oversight through the No Child Left Behind law, unfunded state mandates, aging infrastructure, and many more, are putting pressure on K-12 public school systems even while calls to improve student achievement and public education accountability grow from all quarters.
Ford School
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)

Sarah Cohodes: Can Successful Schools Replicate? Scaling Up Boston’s Charter School Sector

Jan 10, 2018, 8:30-10:00 am EST
Weill Hall, Room 3240
Sarah Cohodes will present work with Elizabeth Setren and Chris Walters titled "Can Successful Schools Replicate? Scaling Up Boston’s Charter School Sector."AbstractIn a climate of school turnarounds, charter school conversions, and new school openings, an important question is whether schools that boost student outcomes can reproduce their success at new campuses. We study a policy reform that allowed effective charter schools in Boston, Massachusetts to replicate their school models at new locations. Estimates based on randomized admission lotteries show that replicate charter schools generate large achievement gains on par with those produced by their parent campuses. The average effectiveness of Boston’s charter middle school sector increased after the reform despite a doubling of charter market share.  
Ford School