Labor Unions | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Labor Unions

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results
In the Media

Stevenson on Taft-Hartley Act and dock workers strike

Oct 7, 2024 Planet Money
Betsey Stevenson, Ford School professor and economist, explained the Taft-Hartley Act which took some powers away from unions in 1947, and why dock workers are sill mad about it today. Stevenson said the dock workers are "like a linchpin to the...

Stevenson predicts continued labor strife in an uncertain market

Sep 22, 2023
As the U.S. endures the UAW, Writers’ Guild, and Screen Actors strikes, among others, Ford School economics professor Betsey Stevenson says the country may endure more labor upheaval. Once the chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, she...

Stevenson discusses labor market recovery

Nov 17, 2021
Betsy Stevenson offered insights on the labor market and the road to post-pandemic recovery.  Talking about cash assistance programs during the pandemic with Slate, Stevenson said, “We made people better off by giving them money, and I know...

Hall characterizes minimum wage bill lobbying activity

May 22, 2014
According to an analysis conducted by Bloomberg BNA, a division of Bloomberg, some 40 different groups spent money in the first three months of 2014 to lobby Congress on the minimum wage bill. Labor unions were for the bill; business groups were...