The Baltimore Banner spoke to the Ford School's Catherine Hausman asking for her predictions on the future of nuclear energy. The article noted that a recent study concluded the U.S. would have to increase nuclear output by nearly five-fold to meet...
Michigan’s local leaders overwhelmingly support adding rooftop solar infrastructure in their communities, while a majority strongly oppose developing nuclear power.Those are among the key findings in the latest Michigan Public Policy Survey...
Barry Rabe, Newsweek: "I'm just looking at the numbers: you would need to triple existing nuclear capacity to replace gas and maintain existing nuclear [production]. That would be a massive, massive build-out. The timelines for that are significant....
The Graham Sustainability Institute’s Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Program (CNAP) announced $1,160,000 in funding for six new faculty research projects. CNAP is a multi-year, multimillion-dollar program created in 2020 with a $5 million gift from...
Before she took a position at the Nuclear Energy Institute as the director of stakeholder strategy & engagement, Kristy Hartman (MPP ‘13) served as the energy program director at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). NCSL’s energy...
Peter Behr, E&E News Reporter, quoted Catherine Hausman in his November 17 article, "Nuclear closures magnify U.S. climate challenge for Trump." Behr reports that up to 15 percent of U.S. nuclear reactors may shut down over the next ten years...
Catherine Hausman's analysis of the economic impacts that result from a nuclear power plant closure was published in the latest edition of the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
For "Market Impacts of a Nuclear Power Plant...
Policy Points is a video series featuring short segments on current events or recent research by faculty from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. We encourage opinion leaders worldwide to use material from these videos or transcripts in...
Climate change is a potential threat to the welfare of mankind and its mitigation is becoming urgent. Nuclear energy, which provides one-fifth of U.S. electricity generation, is currently the leading utility-scale, carbon-free baseload power source in America. But it is expensive, controversial, and regulated in a way that poses challenges to technological innovation. So how does nuclear power fit into U.S. climate change mitigation goals going forward?
How do Americans think about energy? Is the debate over fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy highly partisan and ideological? David Konisky answers these questions & more in a discussion of his 2014 book, Cheap and Clean.