Public and nonprofit management | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Public and nonprofit management

Showing 151 - 180 of 246 results

Fracking brings economic boost, but risks raise concerns

May 14, 2013
Most Michigan and Pennsylvania residents say fracking is good for the economy, but have concerns about chemicals used and other environmental risks, according to a University of Michigan survey.The results come from the National Surveys on Energy...
State & Hill

Urban policy-themed Spring edition of State & Hill published

Apr 22, 2013
Cities—in America and around the globe—remain vitally important in fueling economic growth, producing jobs, and cultivating innovation and creativity. This edition of State & Hill features insights into city policy from faculty, alumni, and friends...
State & Hill

An engaged citizen

Apr 22, 2013
Barry Rabe on the future of CLOSUP A six-inch bobblehead of Ron Swanson, director of a fictitious Midwestern parks department in the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, dominates the meeting table in Barry Rabe's office. The bobblehead is something...

Rabe quoted in NPR article on political polarization of states

Apr 1, 2013
Barry Rabe was quoted in an NPR article about the deepening political divide between U.S. states. The article, which is titled, "A State Apart and, Politically, A World Away," considers the polarization of states on both economic and social issues,...

Local leaders: In residents we trust

Mar 15, 2013
Local government leaders in Michigan are more likely to trust their residents than their residents are to trust local governments, according to a University of Michigan survey.More than half of Michigan's local leaders, or 53 percent, say they trust...

Michigan Chronicle interviews Rabe on fracking in Michigan

Jan 21, 2013
The Michigan Chronicle interviewed Barry Rabe for its story on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." Fracking is a process by which oil and gas companies inject chemical fluids or sand into underground shale rock formations in order to free deposits...

Rabe, Ruff speak with The Detroit News on right-to-work

Dec 8, 2012
The Detroit News interviewed Barry Rabe and Craig Ruff about the decision by Governor Rick Snyder to endorse right-to-work legislation in Michigan. The decision, Rabe said, could be a defining moment in Snyder's political career, potentially...

"Economics of Carbon Taxes," Barry Rabe's latest blog post

Nov 14, 2012
Economics of Carbon TaxesBy Barry RabeThe idea of enacting a carbon tax to address climate change and fiscal woes may be as plausible as relying on new leadership to steer the Chicago Cubs to their first world championship in over a century.But now...
State & Hill

Barry Rabe on Gerald Ford: The global president

Apr 26, 2012
The University of Michigan invited Professor Barry Rabe to address the 89th Honors Convocation of the University, an event that celebrates and recognizes outstanding academic achievement by undergraduates. The theme of this year's Convocation:...

NSAPOCC reveals belief in global warming is on the rise

Feb 29, 2012
The National Survey of American Public Opinion on Climate Change (NSAPOCC), co-authored by Barry Rabe, has been published in the February 2012 edition of "Issues in Governance Studies" by The Brookings Institution.The latest installment in the...