In this virtual workshop, Dr. Amanda Alexander will discuss how people who are are committed to collective liberation stave off burn out, jadedness, and despair so that we can remain in this work for the long haul.
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom (Room # 1110)
We Must Tell More Complete Stories is a Black Feminist filmmaking masterclass led by Center for Racial Justice Fellow Charlene A. Carruthers. Carruthers will offer her methods for crafting stories for filmmaking and beyond that embody Black feminist values and practices. A discussion will follow a screening of her short film The Funnel.
Join us for a virtual workshop on conducting policy and action research within our own communities. Dr. Wilson will use examples from LGBTQ policy research as a jumping off point to explore strategies for navigating the power, privilege and opportunity differentials involved when researchers hope to contribute to policy solutions within their own communities.
Join the Center for Racial Justice and the Institute for Research on Women & Gender (IRWG) in welcoming Dr. Moya Z. Bailey, Associate Professor at Northwestern University, founder of the Digital Apothecary, and co-founder of the Black Feminist Health Science Studies Collective for a workshop on misogynoir in education.
Join the Center for Racial Justice in welcoming Dr. Clarence Wardell III, Senior Program Officer on the Economic Mobility and Opportunity team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for a virtual workshop on the importance of service design in ensuring equitable access to key government programs.
Join the Center for Racial Justice in welcoming Diane J. Wright, Disability Advocate and creator of, for a virtual workshop on disability and racial justice.
Join the Center for Racial Justice in welcoming Dr. Angela S García, immigration scholar and associate professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, for a virtual workshop on administrative justice. This event is the first of the CRJ's winter 2024 Racial Justice in Practice workshop series.