Yazier Henry | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Yazier Henry

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Core faculty

Yazier Henry

Teaching Professor in Public Policy
Henry has written and published on the political economy of social voice, memory, trauma, identity, peace processes, Truth Commissions, international transitional justice and international humanitarian law. His research and writing projects focus on how structural and administrative violence come to be institutionalized during post-colonial transitions. His current work is on the discourse of human rights, structural violence and the politics of official voice.
State & Hill

Spotlights, spring 2024

Apr 24, 2024
A prescription for equityAs the first city-wide experiment of its kind, Rx Kids provides cash payments for new parents—and new promise for eradicating early childhood poverty. Flint's high child poverty rates came into focus nearly 10 years ago when...

Three Ford School faculty promoted to Teaching Professors

Jul 11, 2023
Yazier Henry, Rusty Hills, and Alex Ralph have been promoted and will have the newly-created title of “teaching professors,” beginning in fall term 2023. The University of Michigan created the new designation for long-serving lecturers in its labor...
State & Hill

(In)Exorable: A poem by Yazier Henry

Dec 13, 2021
Earth spirit burns, an internal fire. The shadow lives on in the body, just as it does in the memories of the blood. Gasping for air, struggling, desperate to find life’s fragile lines under the relentless weight of...
State & Hill

Faculty News spring 2021

Jun 10, 2021
Javed Ali has appeared recently in outlets such as 60 Minutes, ABC News, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, NPR’s Morning Edition, and the Los Angeles Times. He’ll become an associate professor of practice at the Ford School this...
State & Hill

Faculty News - Spring 2020 State & Hill

May 22, 2020
Javed Ali wrote or co-authored multiple op-eds published by The Hill. He also appeared as a frequent commentator on MSNBC. Topics ranged from U.S. national security to crises in the Middle East. John Ayanian, inaugural Director of U-M’s Institute...
State & Hill

Discourse, Ford School faculty in the news

Dec 8, 2014
The New England Journal of Medicine published John Ayanian’s report on the first 100 days of the Healthy Michigan Plan, Michigan’s expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. The plan is a good blueprint for other Republican-governed states...

Race, violence, public policy and social trauma: Restoring community in Chicago's urban context

Apr 6, 2016, 4:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
This lecture will explore the relationship of public policy to the impact of social trauma in communities of color in the urban context.  It will discuss how oppressive social conditions and militarized and masculinized public institutions foster and may be responsible for racialized and gendered injuries in the public sphere.
Ford School
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series

The Cost of Forgiveness: After South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Apr 4, 2007, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Yazier Henry, Director, Direct Action Centre for Peace and Memory, Capetown, South Africa; Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Yazier Henry is a former anti-Apartheid activist who, as a teenager, became an officer in Umkhonto We Sizwe, the military wing of the African National Congress. He is a poet, writer, and peace activist.
Ford School

2016 Ford School Commencement

Apr 30, 2016 1:34:00

The 2016 Gerald R. Ford School Commencement featuring Susan Collins, Hardy Vieux, Yazier Henry, Alexis Farmer, and Grace Evans. April, 2016.

2014 Commencement Ceremony

May 3, 2014 1:39:31

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. The Charge to the Class was delivered by U.S. Senator Carl Levin. May, 2014.

2011 Commencement Ceremony

Apr 30, 2011 1:36:53

Robin Wright delivered the keynote address as the Ford School celebrated our 2011 MPP, PhD, and BA graduates. May, 2011.

Yazier Henry: The cost of forgiveness

Apr 4, 2007 1:23:05

Henry's lecture, "The Cost of Forgiveness: After South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)" discusses post-TRC issues based on his experience with Apartheid violence survivors, TRC, and combatant survivor experience.