ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Great Lakes Regional Economic Initiative Event
Recognizing the Hope and Opportunity Within Our Cities Event
Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy Session One: Economic Policy Event
Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy Session Two: Tax Policy Issues Event
Privatization: Issues of State and Local Public Infrastructure Event
The EPI/CLOSUP Michigan School Districts Conference Event
The 2005 State Politics and Policy Conference: The Role of Politics in State Policymaking Event
Building Community-based, Sustainable Food Systems: Case Studies and Recommendations Event
Urban Education in SE Michigan: Inequalities and Innovations Event
Does Size Matter? The Role of Small High Schools in Reforming Public Education Event
For-Profit Colleges: Education or Exploitation? Event
EPI Seminars at CLOSUP: 'The Effects of New York City's Charter Schools on Student Achievement' Event
Schooling in Developing Countries: the Roles of Supply, Demand, and Government Policy Event
Learning to Teach? Teacher Preparation and Student Achievement Event
The Role of the Private Sector in K-12 Public Education Event
Improving Impacts of Classrooms: Professional Development and Classroom Observation Event
A Pathway to Common Education Standards Event
Can Educational Outcomes Be Improved in Community Colleges? Recent Evidence from Two Randomized Trials Event
Reflections on No Child Left Behind Event
The Past and Future of Education Research Event
Linking Land Use Models to Land Cover for Generating Landscape Scenarios Event
Revitalizing Detroit: A Panel Discussion on Urban Planning and Community Involvement Event
Election '08's Impact on Michigan: The Candidates' Positions on Energy, the Environment, and the Economy Event
Food System Governance: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Michigan Event
Structural Change and Theories of Legislative Organization: A Reassessment of Congressional 'Turf Wars' Event
Public Policy Beyond the Digital Divide Event
On the Stability, Preservation and Growth of Democracy Event
Lessons from Katrina for Urban and Social Welfare Policy Event
Aesthetic Democracy: Negotiating Visual Norms for Wind Energy Development Event
CLOSUP Seminars: The Effect of School Choice on College and Crime Event
Panel Discussion: Rightsizing Michigan's Prison Population: Policy-driven Expansion and Reduction in an Era of Mass Incarceration Event
Mortgage Credit and Racial Segregation Event
Panel Presentation: The Role of Urban Food Retail in Detroit's Economic Development and Revitalization Event
Demographic Inquiry into Cohabiting Unions in the United States: What Can Qualitative Data Tell Us? Event
Race and Space in Urban America: Perspectives from Census 2000 Event
The New Annual Poverty Estimates: What's Behind the Numbers? Event
Measuring Poverty in a Growing World (or Measuring Growth in a Poor World) Event
Workshop on Uses of the PSID to Study Health-Related Issues Event
Affirmative Action and Its Discontents: Lessons from the Texas Top Ten Percent Plan Event
Homer Gets a Tax Cut: Inequality and Public Policy in the American Mind Event