ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Financial Risk, Assets, and Poverty Event
Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households Event
The Economy, Public Policy and Poverty in the U.S.: What Changes Can President Obama Make? Event
Unions, Norms and the Rise in American Earnings Inequality Event
Annual Workshop for Small Grant Recipients: Immigration and Poverty Event
Introduction to the Survey of Income and Program Participation Event
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Analytic Research Conference Event
The Long Run Impacts of Early Life Events III Event
Rethinking the Safety Net After the Great Recession Event
Winter Term 2006 - International Health Brown Bag Series Event
China's Banking System Reform and Financial Public Policy, and the Future Development of China's Development Bank Event
Danny Leipziger - Growth and Governance: Twin Economic Objectives Event
50th Reunion Weekend: Class of 1961 Event
PPIA at 30 Years: The Ford School Celebrates Event
67th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance Event
Managing a 21st Century security agenda: U.S. foreign policy beyond Iraq and Afghanistan Ambassador Christopher Hill Event
Labor Markets in Developing and Transition Economies: Emerging Policy and Analytical Issues Event
Firms in the Global Economy Conference Event
Thomas Bombelle: Director of Goverment Relations at Merck Event
Global Policy Perspectives Syimposium: Effects of the US Election on the European Union Event
Global Policy Perspectives Symposium: How Well Has South Africa Done Since Apartheid? Event
IPC Director discusses global economic crisis with Europe-based University of Michigan alumni Event
Global Policy Perspectives Syimposium: Terrorists and Their Supporters: Who They Are, What They Think, and How Do We Deal with Them? Event
CES-EUC's Conversations on Europe: 'Europe's Political and Economic Challenges' Event
CES-EUC's Conversations on Europe: 'The Impact of the Current Financial Crisis on European (Dis)Integration and on Europe's Economies' Event
The Future of Europe Event
CAFTA, Intellectual Property, and Transnational Mobilization for Access to Medicines in Central America Event
Risk Science Symposium Event
67th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance Event
67th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance Event
67th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance Event
4th Annual Political Networks Conference and Workshops Event
4th Annual Political Networks Conference and Workshops Event
4th Annual Political Networks Conference and Workshops Event
4th Annual Political Networks Conference and Workshops Event
Spring Preview Weekend Event
Spring Preview Weekend Event
Get your STPP T-shirts! Event
STPP Year End Party Dominicks at 7PM Event
Friday: Green Technology and Economic Revitalization symposium Event