ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Non-Profits Role in Urban Revitalization Event
Detroit Bus Tour and Panel: Issues and Opportunities in Detroit Event
2011 V-BID Center Symposium Event
SHARP Insights: How Title IX Changed the Game, History and the Impact of Title IX Event
Black/Land: Women's Voices Program, documentary short by Mistinguette Smith Event
STPP Graduate Certificate Program Information Session Event
Sultan Al Qassemi, scholar, columnist, and influential Twitter commentator Event
The Impact of Subsidized Birth Control for College Women: Evidence from the Deficit Reduction Act. Event
ACT for All: The Impact of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Enrollment, Choice and Student-College Mismatch Event
Response to Market Threats: How Michigan Public Schools React to School Choice Event
Sibling and Peer Interaction in Education Event
The Causal Impacts of Need-Based Financial Aid on College Outcomes: Evidence from an Experiment in Wisconsin Event
The Educational Attainment of Urban Catholic High School Students in the 21st Century School Choice Market Event
The Credits that Count: Credit and Risk in the Student Loan Market Event
A Structural Model of Optimal Effort in College Admissions Exams Event
Aligning Teacher Improvement Strategies: A Mixed Method Study of Teacher Reform in Minnesota Event
Data Watch: Using National Student Clearinghouse Data to Track Postsecondary Outcomes Event
ACT for All: The Impact of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Enrollment, Choice and Student-College Mismatch Event
Understanding Choice of High School Curriculum: Preferences, Expectations, and Interactions Inside and Outside the Family Event
School Accountability, Standards, and Family Sorting Event
Early Childhood Programs and their Spillover Effects in Developing Countries Event
Diversity Talks: Federal Border Policy, Migration, and the Desert Landscape Event
Cha cha cha! The Impact of a Mandatory In-School Ballroom Dance Program on Student Outcomes in NYC Public Schools. Event
The Supply of Alternative Schooling: Measures of Access in the U.S. from 1989 - 2007 Event
The Climate Fix: A Pragmatic Future for Climate Change Event
Lecture by Charles E. Phelps - Our own worst enemies: How we and our government created, exacerbated, and extended the health care mess Event
Robert B. Zoellick, President and CEO of The World Bank Group Event
Panel on the Palestinian Application for Statehood at the United Nations Event
SHARP Insights: How Title IX Changed the Game, History of Title IX at the University of Michigan Event
SHARP Insights: How Title IX Changed the Game, Title IX and Public Policy Event
Afghanistan and Beyond – A discussion of the current situation in Afghanistan and the challenges for U.S. foreign policy in 2011-12 Event
TITLE IX: 39 Years of Protecting Gender Equality, A Vivian R. Shaw Lecture Event
Lecture by Wendy Abrams: Advocating for Environmental Change Event
Reflections on the 'Undermatch' Phenomenon in College Choice: Implications for Students, Schools, and Public Policy Event
Great Lakes Integrated Sciences & Assessments (GLISA) 2011 Symposium Event
Why Antarctica - A Continent of Science & Diplomacy Event
Erb Speaker Series: The Irrationality of Sustainability Event
Health Policy Research Seminar Series Event
Erb Speaker Series: The Irrationality of Sustainability Event
Women and Work Event