This course explores how gender and sexuality both influence and are influenced by U.S. politics and public policy, with a particular focus on their intersections with other systems of...
In the past century—the blink of an eye in ecological time—a small portion of humans concentrated in wealthier and more industrialized countries began to radically transform the ecology of our planet at an unprecedented...
How do the judges on the Supreme Court make their decisions? What were the real issues in cases such as Roe v. Wade, and is it possible that the Court would overturn this decision? How do judges in different eras decided cases...
This course is designed to equip future public policy leaders with advanced facilitation skills essential for leading diverse teams and influencing public...
This course is designed for politically diverse and civic-minded students who are concerned about the deepening divide and fraying social fabric in the United States and who wish to take action by creating courageous and relational spaces in...
This course is designed for politically diverse and civic-minded students who are concerned about the deepening divide and fraying social fabric in the United States and who wish to take action by creating courageous and relational spaces in...