In this course, students will develop the necessary skills to conceptualize, plan, and execute interview-based projects. We will cover topics such as fine-tuning a research idea, formulating research questions, designing a rigorous research plan, navigating the IRB process, recruiting respondents, creating the interview guide, conducting interviews, and analyzing and writing up data for policy audiences. We will also consider reflexivity, ethics, and the complexities of interviewing various populations. Each week, participants will spend the first portion of the allotted time discussing course readings and receiving practical instruction from the professor on some aspect of the research process. During the second portion of the class each week, we will workshop one or two student projects. In preparation for the workshop time, each student will take a turn submitting a short document (e.g. draft of research questions, interview guide, etc) for the group to review and discuss in class.
Class meets 01/19/2021 - 03/05/2021
1.5 credits