Negotiation Basics for Public Policy will provide students with an understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of...
Negotiation Basics for Public Policy will provide students with an understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of...
Conflict is an evitable part of the human experience--in relationships, at the work place, in public administration and especially in the public policy making...
This course focuses on rigorous evaluation of policies and interventions intended to support children's early learning and success in K-12. Evaluations will be discussed in the context of the current and historical...
How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy...
The course will examine the past, present, and future of diplomatic interactions between the United States and the other nations of the Indo-Pacific region, starting with the 1951 signing of the Treaty of San Francisco that ended the state of war...
PUBPOL 495 (Policy Seminar) is for students currently enrolled in the Public Policy Undergraduate Program only, no exceptions. Enrollment is by permission...
A continuation of PubPol 555 (Microeconomics for Public Policy), this course will deepen students' understanding of key economic concepts and principles and, importantly, apply them to the practice of policy...
This course will consider the capacity of North American political institutions to shape effective environmental protection policies, devoting primary emphasis to the United States but also examining Canada and...
Negotiation Basics for Public Policy will provide students with an understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of...
This course provides an introduction to public policy design and analysis using "systematic thinking" from the social sciences and humanities, with the application of scientific methods and knowledge more...
This course is an introduction to programming and working in STATA, a core statistical program in the social sciences. In a variety of fields, STATA remains the baseline program for analysis, data management, and...